Call for Innovations: 2016 Regional ShareFair on Gender and Resilience

Call for Innovations
Innovators across Africa are invited to showcase cutting edge innovations, including social innovations that best provide solutions on how women and their communities can build and strengthen resilience through resilient technologies and associated innovative strategies, projects, interventions and methods, to be brought to scale. The innovations can be at pilot level, medium or advanced and should strengthen women’s and girls’ capacities to mitigate, adapt, recover, and learn from shocks and stresses while achieving the longer-term goal to reduce vulnerability and increase well-being of women and their communities. Full details ▼
Start date: 30 September 2016 | Start time: 00:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 16 October 2016 | End time: 00:00 UTC +00:00
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
More information:
Contact person: Jack Abebe jack.abebe[at] +254 20 762 4963