The President of the National Assembly of Cabo Verde and 40 male deputies have joined the HeForShe campaign


President of the National Assembly, Mr. Basílio Mosso Ramos
President of the National Assembly,
Mr. Basílio Mosso Ramos
(Photo credit : UN Women)

The invitation to the members of Parliament to join the campaign was carried out by the President of the Parliamentarian Women’s Network in Cabo Verde and a National Deputy who is a Member of the White Ribbon Network – Cabo Verde (Rede Laço Branco), partner organizations of Presidency of the Republic working to disseminate the campaign at the national level.Since the launch of the campaign on March 2015, Cabo Verde has moved from 19 to 2034 men signatures in the online platform of the campaign, making Cabo Verde the second country with the largest absolute number of men joining the campaign among west and central africa countries, and in relative terms, the higher proportion of men’s adherence, considering its male population.

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