The regional sharefair on gender equality in the extractive industries : Building on good practices 13th-15th October 2015, Nairobi, Kenya
UN Women’s regional office for Eastern and Southern Africa, in collaboration with the Australian High Commission and other partners, is pleased to announce that it will host a Regional Sharefair on Gender Equality in the Extractives Industry: Building on Good Practices in Nairobi, Kenya from the 13th to the 15th of October 2015
Full details ▼
Start date: 12 October 2015 | Start time: 21:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 14 October 2015 | End time: 21:00 UTC +00:00
Event description
UN Women’s regional office for Eastern and Southern Africa, in collaboration with the Australian High Commission and other partners, is pleased to announce that it will host a Regional Sharefair on Gender Equality in the Extractive Industries: Building on Good Practices in Nairobi, Kenya from the 13th to the 15th of October 2015. The Gender Equality in the Extractive Industries Sharefair builds on the success of the 2014 Rural Agricultural Technologies Share Fair which brought together over 350 participants and 90 exhibitors from across the region.
More information:
Contact person: Valery Awuor valery.awuor[at] +254 20 762 57 19