WCARO & ESARO Joint WEE Learning Week 2024 - resources
Theme: Accelerating the progress of Women’s Economic Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa amidst changing contexts
This page displays knowledge products produced by UN Women on Women Economic Empowerment in the West and Central Africa region.
Cette page présente les produits de connaissance produits par ONU Femmes sur l'autonomisation économique des femmes dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre.
Transforming the care economy
- The Care Agenda: A Regional Perspective for East and Southern Africa: (Read and download)
- Une approche ascendante des politiques et des programmes de soins : le cas du programme 3r répondant aux besoins de soins non rémunérés des femmes rurales au Sénégal (Lire et télécharger)
- A bottom-up approach to unpaid care policy and programming. The experience of the 3R project in Senegal (Read and download)
- Note d’orientation : Intégrer les solutions de soins non rémunérés dans les Plans de développement local au Sénégal (Lire et télécharger)
- Integrating unpaid care needs and investments in Local Development Plans in Senegal: A Guidance Note (Read and download)
- Solutions innovantes pour reconnaître, réduire et redistribuer le travail de soins non rémunéré des femmes rurales au Sénégal (Lire et télécharger)
- Innovative solutions to recognize, reduce, and redistribute the unpaid, care work of rural women in Senegal (Read and download)
- La mesure et la valorisation du travail de soins non rémunéré au Mali (Lire et télécharger)
- Measuring and valuing unpaid care and domestic work in Mali (Read and download)
- Boîte à outils - Reconnaître, Réduire et Redistribuer le travail de soins non rémunéré : études de cas sélectionnées pour soutenir les réformes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre (Lire et télécharger)
- Toolkit - Recognizing, Reducing and Redistributing unpaid care work: selected case studies to support reform in West and Central Africa (Read and download)
- Investing in free universal childcare in Nigeria: the effects on job creation and fiscal revenue (Read and download)
- Investir dans l’éducation préscolaire universelle en Côte d’ivoire : effets sur la création d’emplois et les recettes fiscales (Lire et télécharger)
- Investir dans l’éducation préscolaire universelle au Sénégal: effets sur la création d’emplois et les recettes fiscales (Lire et télécharger)
- Investing in free universal childcare in sub-Saharan Africa: Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and the United Republic of Tanzania (Read and Download)
- Investing in free universal childcare in South Africa, Turkey and Uruguay: A comparative analysis of costs, short-term employment effects and fiscal revenue (Read and download)
- Putting Gender equality at the centre of social protection strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa: How far have we come? (Read and download)
- Landscape of Care Work in East and Southern Africa (Read and download) (Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe)
- Regional Shairfare on the Care Economy (Read and download)
- Regional Analysis on Trends and Emerging Issues Related to Women with Disabilities in East and Southern Africa Focusing on the COVID-19 Pandemic (Read and download)
Women's Climate Action and Green/Blue Economies
Climate Smart Agriculture
- Women in climate resilient agriculture in West and Central Africa: Key results of UN Women’s flagship programme (Read and download)
- The cost of the gender gap in agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe (Read and download)
- The Cost of the Gender Gap in Agriculture; Policy brief (Read and download)
- The Cost of Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity: Five African Countries (Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) (Read and download)
- The Gender Gap in Agriculture Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Causes, Costs and Solutions (Read and download)
- Opportunities for Youth in Rural Business and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture (Read and download)
Green Economy
- Green jobs for women in Africa: opportunities and policy interventions.
(Read and Download) - Emplois verts pour les femmes en Afrique: opportunités et interventions politiques.
(Lire et télécharger) - Care work and women’s empowerment in the low-carbon transition in West Africa.
(Read and Download) - Le travail de soins et l’autonomisation des femmes dans le cadre de la transition vers une économie à faibles émissions de carbone en Afrique de l’Ouest.
(Lire et télécharger) - Guidance Note. Tools for a gender-responsive transition to a green economy. A Methodology for integrating gender in LT-LEDS based on the case of Burkina Faso (Read and Download)
- Note d’orientation. Outils de transition vers l’économie verte sensible au genre. Méthodologie d’intégration du genre dans les LT-LEDS basée sur le cas du Burkina Faso (Lire et télécharger)
- Technical Brief. Green Job Opportunities for Women in Senegal (Read and download)
- Note d’orientation technique. Opportunités d’emplois verts pour les femmes au Sénégal (Lire et télécharger)
- Technical Brief. Green Job Opportunities for Women in Burkina Faso (Read and download)
- Note d’orientation technique. Opportunités d’emplois verts pour les femmes au Burkina Faso (Lire et télécharger)
- Advocacy note. Women's access to Green Finance in Africa (Read and download)
- L'accès des femmes à la finance verte en Afrique: messages de plaidoyer (Lire et télécharger)
Decent Work, Entrepreneurship and Trade
Women's entrepreneurship
- Améliorer l’accès aux marchés publics pour les petites et moyennes entreprises détenues et dirigées par des femmes en Afrique de l’Ouest.
(Lire et télécharger) - Improving access to public procurement for women-owned and women-led small and medium enterprises in West-Africa.
(Read and Download) - Women’s economic empowerment through affirmative procurement in West Africa_ Project newsletter (Read and download)
- Autonomisation économique des femmes en Afrique de l’Ouest à travers la commande publique sensible au genre_Bulletin d’informations du projet (Lire et télécharger)
Women in Trade
- The Engine of Trade in Africa (Read and download)
- Improving women's and young women's access to the opportunities created by the AfCFTA (Read and download)
Decent work for women
- Putting Gender Equality At The Centre Of Social Protection Strategies In Sub-Saharan Africa: How Far Have We Come? (Read and download)
- Why Women Earn Less: Gender Pay Gap and Labour Market Inequalities in East and Southern Africa (Read and download) (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda)
- The Status of NEET. A quantitative analysis of A Quantitative Analysis of Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) (15 – 24 years old) (Read and download)
Gender-Responsive Policy to Achieve Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment
- Gender Equality and Economic Development in sub-Saharan Africa (chapter 17) (Read and download)
- Women’s economic empowerment in the Indian Ocean Rim: Progress and challenges (Read and download)
- The impacts of COVID-19 on women and girls in East and Southern Africa (Read and download)
- Together! On the road to achieve gender equality (Read and download)