Regional Sharefair on the Care Economy

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), under its Global Strategic plan (2022-25) has identified women’s unpaid care and domestic work as a key issue for women’s empowerment after extensive consultations with member states, stakeholders and partners. Within this context, with the support of Government of Canada and in partnership with the African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO is hosting a regional convening to discuss, elaborate, and define the parameters of this agenda for the East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) in the form of a Knowledge Sharefair.
The Sharefair intends to develop an East and South Africa Region (ESAR) definition on the care agenda as well as strengthen the capacity and knowledge on unpaid care and domestic work in the region. The Sharefair will identify and discuss innovative models of care service provision, initiate the discussion to reform discriminatory laws and policies, and identify priority areas for investment to reduce the time burden in the care sector. Moreover, the aim is to advocate for the right to care, raise awareness on the value of unpaid care and domestic work and promote positive social norms. The combined knowledge, expertise and skills will be utilized to diagnose the care economy’s dire needs, and upscale suitable innovative technologies and policies in the region.
The three-day regional Knowledge Sharefair on the Care Agenda will be an in-person event starting 1st November until the 3rd of November in Nairobi, Kenya. The overall three-day capacity development, sharing and learning event will provide opportunity to further explore the role of women and girls in building and strengthening resilience and promote dialogue on the care agenda. The outcomes of the event will be 1) establishing a common vision and understanding of the unpaid care and domestic work issues in ESAR; 2) increasing the capacity of stakeholders and partners on unpaid care and domestic work in ESAR; 3) the creation of a strong regional network on the care agenda and amplify solutions beyond the Knowledge Sharefair. Kindly find attached concept note with more detailed information and a draft agenda.
The event is intended to facilitate a long-term collaboration amongst regional stakeholders in the region with the aim of identifying problems within the care economy in Africa, using data and predictive methods. The main expected outcome will be to increase the capacity of unpaid care and domestic work in the region, including the creation of a strong regional network to amplify resilience solutions beyond the Share fair, address the inequalities in the care economy and promote sustained quest for change in policy and practice within the relevant macro-economic frameworks. By eliminating discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes, encouraging positive masculinities, enacting care-friendly employment policies to balance work and family commitments, as well as facilitating culturally relevant education curricula and media and advocacy campaigns.
- What is the care economy?
- Rewarding and representation of unpaid care and domestic work
- Policy Guidelines
- The 5 Rs
- Kidogo: Unlocking potential through quality childcare
- Nexus: Unpaid work GBV and WCBT
- Macro economics and care economy
- Local and inclusive approach to 3R. UN Women WCARO presentation
- Investing in childcare
- How does the community and governments interact with care economy?
- Framing the care economy in ESA
- Engaging men in care work
- Evaluating the state of care
- UN Women NEET
- Final slides