Regional Analysis on Trends and Emerging Issues Related to Women with Disabilities in East and Southern Africa Focusing on the COVID-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this study was to develop a variety of texts documenting case studies of good and promising practices in the area of the protection of rights and access to services for women with disabilities in East and Southern Africa (ESA) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was to be achieved through a regional analysis of trends and emerging issues related to women with disabilities in the ESA region, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and the humanitarian context. This analysis presents COVID-19 responses and recovery measures found mainly in the online literature on trends and emerging issues in the ESA region. It is assumed that the case studies identified in the literature review, focusing on women and girls with disabilities in ESA, reflect the overall experience of the COVID-19 response in the countries concerned. The COVID-19 pandemic, particularly experiences from responses and recovery during and after the pandemic, has presented governments with opportunities to take action to reduce health inequities, including accelerating the establishment of systems to ensure universal provision of high-quality services such as health care, education, sanitation and social protection. Although comprehensive social protection systems require significant investment upfront, the recurrent costs of providing basic social protection services are affordable in most countries.
Webinar || Trends and Emerging Issues for Women with Disabilities East & S Africa during the COVID 19 Pandemic
Video|| Regional Analysis on COVID-19 and Women and Girls with Disabilities