In Focus: Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response
Video | Speeches and statements | News and stories | Data and Infographics | Social media | Publications

UN Women is working to provide support to all women on the front lines of the fight against this pandemic; promoting flexible working arrangements for women with a burden of care; and prioritizing services to prevent gender-based domestic violence. Now you, too, can help them.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health issue. It is a profound shock to our societies and economies, and women are at the heart of care and response efforts underway.
As front-line responders, health professionals, community volunteers, transport and logistics managers, scientists and more, women are making critical contributions to address the outbreak every day.
The majority of caregivers, at home and in our communities, are also women.
Additionally, they are at increased risk of infection and loss of livelihood, and existing trends point to less access to sexual and reproductive health and rise in domestic violence during crisis.
UN Women is bringing up-to-date information and analysis on how and why gender matters in COVID-19 response.
For more information on UN Women's work around the world, visit the regional sites: Arab States | Asia Pacific | Europe & Central Asia
Watch more on our COVID-19 and gender equality playlist
What our leaders are saying
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News and stories
Social media
Download the social media package available in English, French and Spanish from Trello.
We need to practice gratitude now more than ever as we face drastic life adjustments with #COVID19. Who are you grateful for in these challenging times?
— UN Women (@UN_Women) March 23, 2020
We may be distant, but we’re not alone. #QuarantineLife looks different, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.
— UN Women (@UN_Women) March 23, 2020
Data and infographics
COVID-19: emerging gender data
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold human suffering and is likely to heighten gender-based inequalities around the world. UN Women is working with partners to bridge the gender data gap and deliver a more accurate picture of the gender dimension to the response so that it can be more effective for women and girls. For gender-related data on COVID-19 visit this page.
The shadow pandemic - violence against women and girls and COVID-19
In times of crisis, violence against women and girls is likely to increase as security, health, and money worries heighten tensions and strains are accentuated by cramped and confined living conditions.
Main resources
- Latest content from the United Nations system
- Social media messages and assets from the United Nations system:
- COVID-19: the gendered impacts of the outbreak
- Gender-related COVID-19 resources by UN entity
- COVID-19 and Gender Equality: A Call to Action for the Private Sector
- UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund: April 2020 Call for Proposals
- Gender equality marker in UN COVID-19 MPTF: First call for proposals
- For publications, stories and more, visit UN Women's regional sites: Africa | Arab States | Asia Pacific | Europe & Central Asia | Latin America and the Caribbean