UN Women Liaison Office to the Africa Union (AU) and UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has partnered with the key actors to provide support to regional, high-impact, frontline, grassroots women’s rights organizations who are tackling gender-based violence in their communities in Africa. The Liaison Office partners with the AU, UN agencies, civil society, and donors in its effort to create an enabling environment where continental governing institutions are more accountable to the women and girls of Africa.
Key partners: AUC and UNECA
Maintaining a consistent engagement with AU and UNECA is critical in achieving women’s economic empowerment, sustainable and inclusive growth in Africa, as AUC drives the continental development and integration agenda in the continent.
UN Women Liaison Office is engaged in level partnerships with the AU and UN ECA offices to ensure joint efforts are aligned with UN Women and AU gender strategies in Africa, coordinated to avoid duplication, coherent and results driven.
The Liaison Office contributes to strengthening AUC’s capacity for gender mainstreaming, in integrating gender equality and women’s rights in the work of its relevant Directorates; convened and influenced high level consultations and dialogue with regional stakeholders on relevant GEWE priorities including in the context of UN system coordination. Furthermore, the Liaison Office represents UN Women Africa Offices and facilitates their participation in regional policy and advocacy processes and programmes related to the AU and continental intergovernmental processes which include those related to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), CEDAW, UNSCR1325, Maputo Protocol, the AU Gender Strategy and Agenda 2030 and 2063.
The Special Representative of UN Women, Ms. Awa Ndiaye Seck, handed over her credentials as Special Representative to AUC and UNECA to H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AUC, in a meeting at the headquarters of the AUC in Addis Ababa. Read more