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This second edition of our quarterly newsletter, covering April to June 2024, aims to keep our partners informed about the highlights of UN Women Uganda’s activities during this period.
The Publication is a detailed strategic plan for the period 2023-2-27. It highlights previous achievements, lessons and emerging issues that define the policy direction of the gender sector achieving a society free from gender discrimination and violence
This report highlights some encouraging advancements. The information presented in this report is based on the latest available data (as of June 2024) on selected indicators in the global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals.
This survey analyses what form of publications are being sought by diverse audiences and how often the publications are consulted by the audiences. It further mapped which parties seek UN Women publications in the region and in what format they preferred.
“Unlocking Economic Potential,” this policy brief, explores the various dimensions of women’s economic empowerment in Tanzania to thoroughly examine the obstacles, prospects, and workable policy suggestions.
This brief relies on data and findings from the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) report for Tanzania conducted in 2022, complemented by online literature. To empower women in other important areas, gender equality in the home and private spheres is essential. Nonetheless, discriminatory social norms and traditional roles are frequently the strongest and hardest to overcome within the home and family.
These are key messages developed from the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) report for Tanzania conducted in 2022.
Uganda continues to make strides in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within its development planning frameworks.
This factsheet provides key highlights of Uganda’s VNR and the key statistics and infographics of SDG indicators. There are 231 global SDG indicators and only 201 are applicable in the Ugandan context. This SDG fact sheet complements Uganda’s 2024 Voluntary National Review Report and provides a snapshot of the main characteristics of each of the 127 indicators on which Uganda reported.
This brief emerges from the UN Women East and Southern Africa Knowledge Management Strategy 2022-2025. In the period of the Strategic Note (2018-2021), ESARO leveraged its knowledge management (KM) strategy (2018-2021) and developed KM tools and systems and ensured a systematic approach to KM implementation across the region.
This is a fact sheet for UN Women East and Southern Africa quarterly knowledge series which has been developed from a multi country analytical study on access to justice for women and girls in in East and Southern Africa conducted in 2021.
This brief examines Tanzania’s promises and efforts to stop these destructive activities, assesses how common they are across the country, and reveals the crucial role that societal norms and other underlying causes play.
The documentation of good and promising practices from the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) study will act as a guide to further gender equality in Tanzania.
This manual has been designed for women leaders within grassroots networks throughout Somalia and in the federal member states. It will support women leaders’ capacity to engage with the Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights principles, empowerment, peace and participation.
The main objective of this report is to assess the relevance and applicability of the development of an election-specific mechanism to monitor violence and discriminatory practices against women in elections and to determine if relevant early warning systems exist in Somalia.
This report seeks to promote the inclusion of women in leadership roles within the peacebuilding process, realize women’s potential as peacebuilders to contribute to reconciliation, conflict prevention, and develop stronger infrastructures for peacebuilding in Somalia.
This Toolkit is designed to support the enhanced use of existing gender data and statistics in policy, advocacy, planning, and accountability in East and Southern Africa. The production and use of gender statistics is a complex process that requires deliberate efforts to connect, incentivize, and influence.The strategies outlined provide guidance and user-friendly tips on how to influence, direct, and monitor the pace of progress towards achieving gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and using gender data and statistics.
Empowering women, building resilience: A UN Women and FAO Kenya project tackles climate challenges in arid regions. The initiative equips them with climate-smart agriculture skills, boosting incomes, nutrition, and their voice in agricultural policies. This collaborative effort fosters a future where women are key players in building sustainable livelihoods that thrive despite climate change.
UN Women has been partnering and working closely with Amhara Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs (BoWCSA) to increase women’s effective participation and equal representation in leadership through the “Enhancing Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Project” since 2017 by employing multipronged strategies. Among the strategies, capacity development programme on Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality for women leaders coupled with mentorship support have been employed since the start of the project. So far, UN Women in collaboration with Amhara BoWCSA built the capacity of more than 1300 women leaders. It also linked 109 mentees with 109 mentors through one-to-one mentorship approach. In addition, women leaders’ networking platforms were established at regional, zonal and woreda levels to increase the voice and leadership of women leaders in Amhara region. These interventions boosted the confidence of women leaders to aspire for higher leadership positions as well as promoted gender responsiveness in their respective positions.
The overall purpose of these briefs is to present an overview of the extent of care work and care needs vis-à-vis existing care services, systems, policies and infrastructure in East and Southern African Region. The rapid landscape analysis aims to demonstrate gaps in data and policy on care and make policy recommendations for recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care work.