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Empowering women, building resilience: A UN Women and FAO Kenya project tackles climate challenges in arid regions. The initiative equips them with climate-smart agriculture skills, boosting incomes, nutrition, and their voice in agricultural policies. This collaborative effort fosters a future where women are key players in building sustainable livelihoods that thrive despite climate change.
UN Women has been partnering and working closely with Amhara Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs (BoWCSA) to increase women’s effective participation and equal representation in leadership through the “Enhancing Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Project” since 2017 by employing multipronged strategies. Among the strategies, capacity development programme on Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality for women leaders coupled with mentorship support have been employed since the start of the project. So far, UN Women in collaboration with Amhara BoWCSA built the capacity of more than 1300 women leaders. It also linked 109 mentees with 109 mentors through one-to-one mentorship approach. In addition, women leaders’ networking platforms were established at regional, zonal and woreda levels to increase the voice and leadership of women leaders in Amhara region. These interventions boosted the confidence of women leaders to aspire for higher leadership positions as well as promoted gender responsiveness in their respective positions.
The overall purpose of these briefs is to present an overview of the extent of care work and care needs vis-à-vis existing care services, systems, policies and infrastructure in East and Southern African Region. The rapid landscape analysis aims to demonstrate gaps in data and policy on care and make policy recommendations for recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care work.
This product is related to the Be Like Tanzania series and part of an ongoing regional study. The study aims to showcase developments, achievements and lessons in the uptake and use of gender data and statistics in East and Southern Africa as part of experience-sharing and particularly south-south learning towards promoting the communication and use of gender data and statistics for policy- and decision-making to improve the lives of women and girls.
Notwithstanding the existence of various indicator frameworks and the Africa Gender Statistics Observatory, challenges regarding gender statistics data and capacity gaps remain within the AUC and across member states, underscoring the need for concerted efforts to expand on gender indicator frameworks and data availability, quality, and utilization. This assessment highlights the gender data and capacity gaps at the AUC and makes concrete recommendations how these can be filled.
The Women Parliamentary Strategic Plan (2023-2027) is the result of thorough analysis of the achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the WPC Strategic Plan (2018-2022). It reflects the expectations of the South Sudan National Legislature, constituents, and the people of South Sudan. This Strategic Plan signifies WPC’s commitment to service delivery standards for stakeholders. The WPC aims to enhance visibility by recruiting a consultant to support WPC members and on the implementation of the new SP.
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare, in collaboration with the Ministry of Peace Building, and with support from UN Women and international funding, the Women’s Charter empowers women and girls to engage with the Reconstituted National Constitutional Review Commission (R-NCRC). Launched on May 29, 2024, in Juba, the Charter addresses twelve critical themes, advocating for comprehensive legal, policy, and programmatic interventions in the Permanent Constitution-making process.
The stories cover achievements under UN Women’s normative, coordination and operational mandates, especially work on women`s economic empowerment, bridging the digital gender divide, and much more. The results registered are testament to the effective partnerships that we maintain with stakeholders across the board, including with Government Institutions, Development Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, Women’s Organizations, Private Sector, Youth, Media and UN Agencies.
The “Women’s economic empowerment strategy” articulates UN Women’s vision for enabling women’s economic agency, autonomy, and well-being. The strategy assesses the global landscape and UN Women’s role in realizing the economic rights of women and girls. It lays out the global context for work on women’s economic empowerment, provides a rights-based and transformative definition of economic empowerment, identifies gaps in current global efforts to achieve women’s economic empowerment, and then situates UN Women’s work on women’s economic empowerment within these broader efforts.
Prioritizing Women's Peace and Security to achieve Gender Equality.
This quarterly newsletter profiles UN Women Uganda activities and highlights voices of beneficiaries. The Q1 Newsletter covers the period of January to March 2024. Enjoy the read! 
UN Women and International Development Law Organization (IDLO), in partnership with the Kenya Law Reform Commission. Researcher/writer: Dr. Consolata Ngondi; Ms. Petronella Mukaindo
The main purpose of this publication is to establish baseline findings that will be used to guide the design and refinement of evidence-based project strategies and approaches to be applied in the Women’s Leadership and Economic Rights (WLER) Project.
This publication aims to identify the existing gender gaps in legal frameworks and policies to enable the integration of gender issues to increase the leadership roles of women and women with disabilities in local decision-making and ensure that they are equal beneficiaries of development interventions.
Uganda has demonstrated thought leadership in the use of administrative and citizen data for statistical purposes in its efforts to meet national priorities and address gaps towards achieving the Third National Development Plan (NDPIII) and SDG targets including on gender equality and women’s empowerment. This product highlights some of the achievements and lessons in improving the quality and use of this data to improve the lives of women and girls.
The purpose of this Charter of Demand is to provide a tool for women led and women’s rights organizations to make their voices and demands heard.
Explore the strides made in empowering women entrepreneurs in West Africa through the Affirmative Procurement project. These fact sheets provide an in-depth look into progress made in Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal highlighting initiatives aimed at supporting Women-owned/led Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs) within the procurement landscape.
Discover the impact of the Affirmative Procurement Reform in West Africa project in empowering women entrepreneurs across Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal. This newsletter showcases policy reforms, capacity-building initiatives, and success stories aimed at enhancing women's participation in procurement.
In this pre-IWD2024 roundtable event, Making Every Woman and Girl Count (Women Count), UN Women’s global gender data and statistics programme, convened sector actors to call for investing in women to accelerate progress through moderated discussions on: investing in gender data as a vehicle for driving change; prioritizing gender-responsive budgeting; shifting to a care society and implementing gender-responsive financing. The UN Economic Commission for Africa and the African Development Bank (AfDB) provided continental perspectives while global gender data alliance Data 2X provided a global view of the status of investment in gender data and its importance for gender equality and women's empowerment (GEWE).