Africa Shared Research Agenda for Ending Gender-Based Violence

UN Women (via its Regional Offices in East and Southern and West and Central Africa) and The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) have collaborated to facilitate the Africa Shared Research Agenda for ending GBV (ASRA). The Africa Shared Research Agenda (ASRA) for ending gender-based violence (GBV) is a set of research priority recommendations for the field, which have been identified through a rigorous, comprehensive and inclusive process that centres the opinions and voices of those for whom the research will serve. It is a unique approach that was developed through collaboration and co-creation which is essential for bringing about an end to GBV. The ASRA draws from the lessons of the Global Shared Research Agenda on Violence against Women and has been shaped through an inclusive process of learning and consultation. It is a contribution to the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Gender-based Violence and provides insight into the key research questions identified as priorities for ending GBV by diverse experts based in and working in Central, Eastern, Southern and West Africa.