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- Human rights–based approach (-) (3)
- Anti-corruption (-) (1)
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment (534)
- Ending violence against women and girls (443)
- Economic empowerment (332)
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (168)
- Peace and security (166)
- Leadership and political participation (165)
- Generation Equality (119)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (93)
- Humanitarian action (87)
- Youth (86)
- Gender, culture and society (78)
- COVID-19 (64)
- Innovation and technology (59)
- Partnerships (59)
- Gender equality and inequality (58)
- Climate change (46)
- Gender statistics (44)
- Peacebuilding (43)
- Rural women (43)
- Harmful practices (40)
- Education (39)
- Girls (39)
- Health (39)
- HIV and AIDS (39)
- Human rights (37)
- Local development (35)
- Women farmers (35)
- Political empowerment (34)
- Domestic violence/interpersonal violence (31)
- Governance and national planning (30)
- Communications and media (29)
- Child marriage (27)
- Rape/sexual assault (27)
- Women’s rights (27)
- Information and communications technology (ICT) (26)
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- Sexual and reproductive health and rights (22)
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- Political violence (19)
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- Civil society participation (17)
- Science and technology for development (17)
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- Women with disabilities (16)
- Gender mainstreaming (15)
- Peacekeeping (15)
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- Sexual violence in conflict (14)
- Access to justice and legal protection (13)
- Civil society (13)
- HeForShe (13)
- Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces (13)
- UNiTE campaign (13)
- Women’s movements (13)
- Care and support services (12)
- Financial resources (11)
- Gender discrimination (11)
- UN Security Council resolution 1325 (11)
- Crisis response and recovery (10)
- Electoral systems and processes (10)
- Gender data production and collection (10)
- Governance (10)
- Men and boys (masculinity) (10)
- Post-conflict recovery (10)
- Productive resources (10)
- Rural development (10)
- Financing for gender equality (9)
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- Gender data use and accessibility (9)
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- UN system coordination (7)
- Children’s rights (6)
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- UN Security Council resolutions (6)
- UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (6)
- Violent extremism and terrorism (6)
- Campaigns (5)
- Commission on the Status of Women (5)
- Coordination, knowledge management (5)
- Gender equality indicators (5)
- Intergovernmental processes (5)
- Macroeconomic policies (5)
- Migration (5)
- Prevention (5)
- Trust funds (5)
- Access to justice post-conflict (4)
- Capacity development (4)
- Citizen engagement (4)
- Decision-making (4)
- Employment (4)
- Energy (4)
- Government contributors (4)
- Harmful health practices (4)
- Land and property (4)
- Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (4)
- Monitoring and evaluation (4)
- National statistical systems (4)
- Sex-disaggregated data (4)
- Businesses and foundations (3)
- Feminicide/femicide (3)
- Financial and economic crisis (3)
- Gender-responsive procurement (3)
- Migrant workers (3)
- National planning (3)
- New media (3)
- Religion (3)
- Reparations (3)
- Rights in marriage (3)
- Service delivery (3)
- Shelters (3)
- Deputy Executive Director, Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships (2)
- Fundamental freedoms (2)
- Fund for Gender Equality (2)
- Goodwill ambassadors (2)
- Justice reform (2)
- Literacy (2)
- Living conditions (2)
- Maternal health (2)
- Parliamentary development (2)
- Planning and monitoring (2)
- Temporary special measures, affirmative action (2)
- Traditional media (2)
- UN Women administration (2)
- Access to basic services (1)
- Accountability (1)
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (1)
- Deputy Executive Director, Policy and Programme (1)
- Ending impunity (1)
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBT) rights (1)
- Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, UN Women Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support, United Nations System Coordination and Programme Results (1)
- Public administration (1)
- Schooling (1)
- Sexuality (1)
- Sustainable finance (1)
- Treatment (1)
- Urban development (1)
- Waste management (1)
- Water (1)
- Women in the UN system (1)
1 - 4 of 4 Results
“My name is Saba Gebre Medhin. I was born and raised in Addis Ababa by a strong single mother in a family of three girls and one boy, hence knowing that a woman is as strong as a man. I went to a private girls’ school, and I never understood the difference, the patriarchy. At a younger age, I was known for asking the ‘why?’ including for people’s right being violated."
UN Women and OHCHR have been working with duty bearers, since 2019, to strengthen capacities of various institutions; working with rights holders to enhance their capacity and participation in VAWE prevention and response; and strengthening coordination and collaboration between duty bearers and rights holders at the county and sub-county levels.
UN Women under the Young Women and Leadership Project (YWLP) implemented in partnership with FOWODE. From the training, she got to understand issues of gender equality and the equal roles men and women have to play towards achieving peace and development.
In the words of Beatrice Sisina Shanka, a 26-year-old community activist from the Inkinyie community. She works for Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC), a non-governmental organization that addresses human rights and development concerns of pastoralist (nomadic livestock herding) indigenous peoples of Kenya, with a focus on women and girls.
1 - 4 of 4 Results