16 Days of Activism Special Edition Newsletter

16 days cover

UNiTE! Invest to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls was this year’s theme for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The campaign, which kicked off on 25th November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ran until 10 December, Human Rights Day, called for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. Aligned with the global campaign, UN Women East and Southern Africa used #NoExcuse as a slogan and hashtag to emphasize that no form of violence against women and girls can be tolerated under any circumstances, anywhere, and anytime.

UN Women Rwanda 16 Days commemorations. Photo: UN Women Rwanda
UN Women Rwanda 16 Days commemorations. Photo: UN Women Rwanda 

Throughout the 16 Days of Activism, the regional and country offices launched activities with calls for financing different prevention strategies and transforming social norms to end violence against women and girls. The African Union 3rd Annual Men’s Conference on Positive Masculinity in Leadership to End Violence Against Women and Girls held in Pretoria, South Africa on 27th – 28th November could not have come at a better time. During this conference, Dr. Maxime Houinato, Regional Director East and Southern Africa and Regional Director West and Central Africa a.i, reminded everyone that we are at the halfway point to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the urgency to end violence against women and girls has never been greater.
Have a listen to his interviews on BBC Africa and BBC Afrique


Regional Office Initiatives

Africa Women in Media (AWiM Conference)

Attendees at the Africa Women in Media conference 2023 held in Kigali Rwanda. Photo: AWiM gallery
Attendees at the Africa Women in Media conference 2023 held in Kigali Rwanda. Photo: AWiM gallery

Jirani Film Premier - In a landmark pronouncement, women drawn from media and creative industries across Africa made a declaration on media and gender violence that was adopted at the African Women in Media conference (AWiM23) on 1st December 2023. The declaration addresses both representation of gender-based violence (GBV) in news media content and in news media organizations. As part of the conference, UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) produced and premiered a film that was created as part of a short film festival to promote individual advocacy engagement for the 2023 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign. The 10 short films in the festival were created by an all-women team of film makers from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, and Rwanda and are all centered around preventing and ending gender-based violence in line with the 2023 campaign theme, No Excuse for violence against women and girls.

Equality Café: Media training on responsible reporting on GBV

Adelle Onyango facilitating a media training on responsible reporting on gender-based violence as part of this year's 16 days of activism on ending violence against women at the Equality Cafe. Photo: UN Women ESARO
Adelle Onyango facilitating a media training on responsible reporting on gender-based violence as part of this year's 16 days of activism on ending violence against women at the Equality Cafe. Photo: UN Women ESARO 

Media training on responsible reporting on ending violence against women and girls With an aim to change the media landscape’s reporting, the regional office brought together journalists and influencers in digital media for training on responsible reporting on Gender- Based Violence. The training saw 21 journalists and influencers exchange reflections, build scenarios, and resolutions on possible outcomes with a commitment to transfer insights to peers in the field.

Inter-agency multi-stakeholder roundtable

Memorable quote from Maxime Houinato, Regional Director, UN Women East and Southern Africa and Regional Director UN Women West and Southern Africa a.i.
Memorable quote from Maxime Houinato, Regional Director, UN Women East and Southern Africa and Regional Director UN Women West and Southern Africa a.i.

UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office, in collaboration with sister UN agencies OHCHR, UNICEF, UNHCR, IOM under the UNiTE Initiative, convened a Multi-Stakeholder Roundtable with the theme: Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG). They virtually came together with diverse stakeholders in commemoration of the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The Roundtable aimed to galvanize a shared vision of how to accelerate progress on the issue across East and Southern Africa by creating discussion around: progress made for ending violence against women and girls, opportunities for shared advocacy and elevating attention to common challenges; and ways to encourage ESAR member states to allocate resources within national budgets to prevent VAWG. This is also a call for development partners to support EVAWG prevention within Official Development Assistance (ODA) investments, with attention to institutionalization and sustainability of efforts. The Roundtable highlighted promising approaches and actions which can be promoted across the region for strengthening investments in different prevention strategies to stop VAWG from occurring in the first place.


Nairobi Run Against GBV

Cabinet Secretary for Gender, Hon. Aisha Jumwa (far left) leads the marathon against GBV during the 2023 16 Days commemoration. Photo: UN Women Kenya
Cabinet Secretary for Gender, Hon. Aisha Jumwa (far left) as she leads the marathon against GBV during the 2023 16 Days commemoration. Photo: UN Women Kenya. Photo: UN Women Kenya

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign was launched in Kenya with a host of events. UN Women Kenya, the Nairobi County Government, and other key stakeholders organized a marathon in Nairobi called the "Nairobi Run Against GBV. Over 1,500 participants took part in the run. The Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Affirmative Action and Gender, Honorable Aisha Jumwa, reaffirmed Kenya's commitment to ending gender-based violence. "The Government of Kenya, through initiatives like the Generation Equality Forum and its nine-point agenda for women, is committed to eliminating all forms of gender-based violence through funding and partnerships," said Honorable Aisha Jumwa. 

Kenya Model United Nations Youth Turn Nairobi Orange

Kenya Country Office youth engagement. Photo: UN Women Kenya
Kenya Country Office youth engagement. Photo: UN Women Kenya

UN Women Kenya partnered with Kenya Model United Nations to engage and sensitize youth in the country on Gender-Based violence and its various forms. UN Women Kenya carried the message to the youth on the avenues and channels to create awareness, reporting Gender Based Violence as well as taking part in investing in prevention and ending violence against women and girls.


16 Days of Activism launch

UN Women Malawi 16 days of activism. Photo: UN Women Malawi
UN Women Malawi 16 days of activism. Photo: UN Women Malawi

The 16 Days Campaign officially kicked- off in Malawi's biggest district, Mzimba. The event, which was also a celebration of the Spotlight Initiative in Malawi and the launch of the PSEA Network started with a solidarity march led by the police brass band, the Minister of Gender, the UN Resident Coordinator and EU Ambassador. Over 3,000 people participated in the commemoration which had pavilions showcasing different stakeholders’ intervention and services in ending gender-based violence, traditional performances, drama and calls to action by various stakeholders.

The 16 Days special

UN Women Malawi 16 days of activism. Photo: UN Women Malawi
16 days special edition series. Photo: Courtesy, media house

The first of a two-part 16 Days Special TV Series on ending violence against women and girls was aired on one of Malawi's biggest TV stations, Zodiak Broadcasting Cooperation on 6 December. From 6pm, a survivor and male change agent raised awareness on gender-based violence and the importance of investing to prevent violence against women and girls on the Womanity TV Program which specifically advocates for women’s issues in Malawi. The special program was aired on TV and streamed on Facebook. Within two hours of streaming, the special program had 2,800 views. Watch the video here

UN Women docu-series screening 

Guests at the docu-series screening. Photo: UN Women Malawi
Guests at the docu-series screening. Photo: UN Women Malawi

Lights dimmed but stories shone at the UN Women docuseries screening on 5th December. Hosted by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in collaboration with UN Women and Young Feminist Network, 147 people from the donor community, private sector, INGO, CSOs, UN and government witnessed impactful narratives shared by diverse voices worldwide, each representing resilience and hope in the fight against gender-based violence. Insightful conversations around ending the silence around GBV and a powerful spoken word inspired guests.


Gender, EVAW and WPS training for defense sectors including FADM focal points (Pemba)

Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique (FADM) Photo: UN Women Mozambique
Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique (FADM). Photo: UN Women Mozambique 

UN Women Mozambique carried out the second training of the gender focal points of the Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique (FADM) in Cabo Delgado Province. The training focuses on gender issues, gender-based violence against women and girls and the women, peace, and security agenda. Around 30 focal points from different FADM specialties from the northern region of Mozambique are taking part. This training takes place as part of the implementation of the project "Promoting the Agenda on Women, Peace and Security with Military Actors" implemented by UN Women in partnership with the Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique (FADM) with funding from the European Union.

Launch of Catalan project in 4 districts of Gaza

Photo: UN UN Women Mozambique
Photo: UN UN Women Mozambique 

The official launch of the project "Community Leaders Are Allies in a Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality and Women's Rights to End Early Unions in Mozambique" took place on November 8 in Gaza province in the country. This project is being implemented by UN Women Mozambique, with the support of civil society partners and the Government of Gaza, and funding from the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation. It aims to improve the capacities of community leaders to support the prevention and combating of violence against women and girls and other harmful traditional practices in 5 districts of Gaza province. These are Xai-Xai, Chongoene, Limpopo, Manjacaze and Chicualacuala.

Dialogue and Strategy Meeting with Women Leaders on WPS

At the dialogue and strategy meeting with women leaders on women peace and security. Photo: UN Women
At the dialogue and strategy meeting with women leaders on women peace and security. Photo: UN Women 

UN Women brought together around 60 women leaders in Mozambique for a Strategic Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security in Maputo. Among the participants were parliamentarians, judges, leaders of women's organizations and networks from Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde, religious leaders, journalists, young women and men, development partners from SADC (Malawi, Zambia, Botswana), Norway, Canada, and Austria. Together with the United Nations, they discussed strategies on how to advance the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Mozambique and consolidate the movement. This dialogue was held as part of the implementation of the project "Promoting the Participation and Leadership of Women and Girls in Peace, Security and Recovery Processes in Mozambique" implemented by UN Women in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS), with financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo.

16 days launch Maputo 

At the launch of 16 days of activism in Maputo. Photo: UN Women Mozambique
At the launch of 16 days of activism in Maputo. Photo: UN Women Mozambique 

UN Women Mozambique supported the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action with the in launching 16 Days of Activism 2023. During the launch event, the Minister of Gender, In her remarks, the Children and Social Action, Her Excellency Nyeleti Brooke Mondlane, emphasized the need to invest in prevention of Gender- Based Violence by involving communities in entirety to support efforts from actors of gender equality. His Excellency the Secretary of State for the City of Maputo, Dr. Vicente Joaquim called upon everyone reflect on the evils that prevent the integral and harmonious development of society. Present was the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Mozambique, Dr. Catherine Sozi, who stood in solidarity with this year’s theme, advocating for more investment leadership and action from the people of Mozambique.


Launch of 16 days of activism in Kiryandongo District

16 days of activism launch in Uganda. Photo: UN Women Uganda
16 days of activism launch in Uganda. Photo: UN Women Uganda

Kiryandongo district in Uganda became the focal point for the national launch of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, hosted at Siriba Primary School in Bweyale Town Council. This significant event unfolded under the theme "UNITE! Invest to Prevent and Respond to Violence against Women and Girls". Dignitaries, including the Swedish ambassador to Uganda, Amb. Maria Håkansson, UN Women Uganda Country Representative, Dr. Paulina Chiwangu, UNICEF Uganda Country Representative, Munir Safieldin, and the state minister for Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Hon. Peace Mutuzo, among others were captivated by Annan's melodies, prompting them to dance in unison. This collective display symbolized their commitment to combatting gender-based violence.

COTLA strategic document launch

Country Representative, Paulina Chiwangu. Photo: UN Women Uganda
Country Representative, Paulina Chiwangu. Photo: UN Women Uganda 

In a significant move to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV), the Council for Traditional Leaders in Africa (COTLA) Uganda Chapter marked the 16 Days of Activism against GBV by unveiling its Strategic Plan, an Operational Manual, and a Charter will steer the Council’s initiatives over the next three years.


Multi-stakeholder press reception

Advocacy at the multi-stakeholder media briefing. Photo: UN Women Zimbabwe
Advocacy at the multi-stakeholder media briefing. Photo: UN Women Zimbabwe

UN Women Zimbabwe held a multi-stakeholder Press Reception to highlight GBV key messages engaging government, media, private sector, religious leaders, communities, and national stakeholders. Shared key messaging calling for increased investments in gender equality and fighting GBV.

South Africa Multi-Country Office (SAMCO)

South Africa: 16 Days Commemorative event with Young Women for Life (in partnership with Norway and UNAIDS)

Advocacy at the 16 days of activism event in South Africa. Photo: UN Women South Africa
Advocacy at the 16 days of activism event in South Africa. Photo: UN Women South Africa

16 Days Commemorative event with Young Women for Life (in partnership with Norway and UNAIDS) UN Women, in partnership with Young Women for Life Movement and UNAIDS, and the Norwegian Embassy hosted a 16 Days commemorative event in Pretoria. The event, attended by the Minister of Department of Women, Youth & People with Disabilities, dignitaries from foreign governments and civil society partners shone the spotlight on the positive impact of addressing harmful social norms in tackling GBV and the need for increased funding into the cause.

Men's dialogue in Lesotho

Lesotho 16 days

On 5 December the Christian Council of Lesotho and Gem Institute, supported by UN Women through funds from Ireland hosted a men's dialogue in Maseru, Lesotho. The dialogue gathered male leaders from communities, churches, schools, and the correctional service to discuss ways of tackling gender-based violence and increased HIV infections in Lesotho.


Launch of the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) at The Frontline campaign - “Together We Say No to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse”

Jennet Kem, Contry Representative, UN Women Rwanda at the PSEA multi-stakeholder campaign event. Photo: UN Women Rwanda
Jennet Kem, Contry Representative, UN Women Rwanda at the PSEA multi-stakeholder campaign event. Photo: UN Women Rwanda

As chair of the UN Rwanda PSEA group, UN Women in partnership with UN sister agencies launched a nation-wide communications campaign on PSEA entitled “Together We Say No to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse”. Bringing together UN sister agencies, government institutions, security organs and civil society, the campaign set out to ensure all stakeholders understand and adopt a zero-tolerance policy on SEA, and commit to create and maintain a positive working culture that upholds the respect and dignity of all staff and persons of concern.

The City of Kigali Unites to End GBV

Participants at the car free day event in Rwanda
Participants at the car free day event in Rwanda

The city of Kigali united for a unique “car free day” to march across designated areas in the city emphasizing one message #NoExcuse for gender-based violence. UN agencies, government partners, the youth, civil society, security organs and the public marched from the BK Arena to the Kigali Heights shopping mall carrying placards with messaging on available services for GBV prevention and response, as well as messages promoting positive masculinity. The march was followed by various sporting activities which included aerobics, basketball and stretching. The mayor of Kigali, the Minister for Gender and Family Promotion and the UN Women Rwanda Representative each gave remarks to the public to galvanize action and commitment to eradicate violence against women.

Leveraging Policy For Strengthened Action Towards GBV Prevention and Response

16 Days Rwanda

From the 28th to 29th of November 2023, UN Women together with partners convened actors from government, UN agencies, development partners, and civil society organizations for a two-day Strategic Policy Dialogue under the theme “Strengthening Accountability Toward Gender Equality and GBV Prevention and Response in Rwanda” with the objective of enhancing advocacy, coordination, synergies, and action among different stakeholders towards the eradication of GBV. Throughout the two days, discussions revolved around gender mainstreaming in the upcoming National Strategy for Transformation (NST2), Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) at the workplace (referring to the ILO Convention 190), protection of GBV victims and the reduction of teenage pregnancies, as well as progress around national implementation on the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325.


Prevention and response to violence against women and girls event

Attendees at the UN Women and Ethiopian Network for Women Shelters (ENWS). Photo: UN Women Ethiopia
Attendees at the UN Women and Ethiopian Network for Women Shelters (ENWS). Photo: UN Women Ethiopia

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with Ethiopian Network of Women Shelters (ENWS) organized a panel discussion on prevention and response to violence against women and girls in the presence of over fifty participants. The objective was to bring together the private sector, government, and civil society organizations to share experiences and discuss engagement in ending violence against women and girls and to enhance their corporate social responsibility. In the discussion, pioneering private sectors shared their experiences on the work they are doing to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. It also raised awareness on the role the private sector could play in ending VAWG through better networking and cooperation.

Media editors breakfast 

Participants at the media editors meeting. Photo: UN Women Ethiopia / Bethlehem Negash
Participants at the media editors meeting. Photo: UN Women/Bethlehem Negash

As part of 16 days of activism campaign, UN Women Ethiopia collaborated with the Editor's guild of Ethiopia to undertake a media editors breakfast meeting on Gender and Media: Editorial Perspectives on Gender Based Violence Reporting. The event successfully brought decision makers attention to the ethical reporting of gender based violence cases. 


Prevention and response to violence against women and children strategy launch

Her Excellency Sahlework Zewdie and other dignitaries at the launch. Photo: UN Women Ethiopia
Her Excellency Sahlework Zewdie and other dignitaries at the launch. Photo: UN Women Ethiopia

The launch of the five-year national strategy on Prevention and Response to Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) was graced by H.E Sahlework Zewdie, the FDRE president; H.E Dr. Ergogie Tesfaye, Minister for Women and Social Affairs; H.E Dr. Ermiyas Yemanebirhan, State minister of Justice; Members of Parliament; UN agencies and other high-level officials. The strategy has been developed under the leadership of the National Co-ordinating Body on Prevention and Response to Violence Against Women and Children which is co-chaired by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs. UN Women and UNICEF have been key partners in the development of strategy.


National Launch of 16 Days of Activism in Tanzania

Participants at the Tanzania launch of 16 Days of Activism.
Participants at the Tanzania launch of 16 Days of Activism. Photo: Courtesy of WiLDAF Tanzania

On 25th November, UN Women Tanzania joined hands with the Government of Tanzania, WiLDAF Tanzania, Development Partners, CSOs and youth to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, officially kicking off the 16 Days of Activism in Dar es Salaam. Under the 2023 national theme, 'Invest to Prevent Gender-Based Violence,' the event brought together over 1,000 participants to highlight the critical need for increased funding to address violence. The event was graced by the Minister of Gender in Tanzania, Dorothy Gwajima, who called on stakeholders and the general public to take action to eliminate violence. “Our goal is a world where everyone enjoys their basic rights, and everyone has an important role to play in the process. Alone we may arrive, but together, we arrive stronger,” said Minister Gwajima.

The ‘STOP GBV’ Half-Marathon

Participants at the STOP GBV Half-Marathon in Zanzibar.
Participants at the STOP GBV Half-Marathon in Zanzibar. Photo: Courtesy of the Asma Mwinyi Foundation

UN Women Tanzania and the Asma Mwinyi Foundation, an organization based in Zanzibar partnered to organize the ‘STOP GBV’ half-marathon on 26th November. Starting from Zanzibar Stone Town's historic fort, over 600 participants ran 5km, 20km, and 21km routes, symbolizing a united stand against violence towards women and girls. At the event, the Prime Minister of Tanzania, Hon. Kassim Majaliwa called on all Tanzanians to use the 16 Days of Activism as an opportunity to advocate for stronger support to women’s rights organizations, to use statistics and data to inform action, and to speak out against all acts of gender-based violence.

Strengthening capacities of the Police to handle cases of violence against women and girls

Participants at the workshop on Gender-responsive Police Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence.
Participants at the workshop on Gender-responsive Police Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence. Photo: UN Women

UN Women, in partnership with the Tanzania Police Force, hosted a workshop on adopting and implementing the UN Women Handbook on Gender-responsive Police Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence. The 2-day workshop aimed to bring together senior members of the police force from all over Tanzania to set milestones for the handbook’s rollout, including by integrating it into the national Police college curriculum, police reforms, and national plans to end violence against women and children. Over 390 senior police officers in charge of Police Gender and Children’s Desks around the country participated in the workshop which was officially opened by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Sigini Jumane Abdullah.