
Under its coordination mandate, UN Women is promoting more effective coordination, coherence, and gender mainstreaming in support of commitments for GEWE with in the UN, civil society, and development partners. UN Women supports the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to deliver on its normative responsibilities and jointly undertakes programmatic interventions with regards to gender mainstreaming and accountability, gender statistics and domestication, implementation, monitoring and reporting of SDGs.
UN Women coordinates and supports the Donor Group on Gender Equality, the Civil Society Advisory Group, the African Women Leaders’ Network, and its Youth Caucus and the Gender in Focus weekly webinar. Ensuring the mainstreaming of gender into the UN work’s is one of the main mandates of UN Women and in this regard, the team works to strengthen the mainstreaming of gender in UN Agencies through developing and implementing tools and systems, capacity building initiatives and advocating for coordination platforms. In this regard, UN Women coordinates the implementation of the UN SWAP Gender Scorecard and the Gender marker within the UNCT and is advocating for the establishment of the Gender Theme Group to oversee the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDCF).
Under its normative role, UN Women is supporting the development of a transformative and inclusive national gender policy that takes into consideration emerging and current gender issues and an implementation roadmap on gender equality. It is also working to strengthen the capacity of the national gender machinery to mainstream gender and put systems of accountability and enhance the capacity of women’s rights organizations to influence gender-responsive policy processes. Considering the critical importance of gender statistics for evidence based policy processes and advocacy, UN Women ECO is supporting the adoption and implementation of a gender responsive policy environment, institutional arrangement and coordination mechanism for the production, dissemination, and utilization of gender statistics.