The cost of the gender gap in agricultural productivity in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda
In this issue :
- Introduction: the gender gap in agricultural productivity
- Three takeaways on the gender gap in agricultural productivity
- Measuring the cost of the gender gap in agricultural productivity
- Costing the factors that contribute to the gender gap in agricultural productivity
- Finding the biggest bang for the buck: cost-effective policy interventions
- Moving from recommendations to implementation
- Appendix A: Methodology for quantifying the cost of the gender gap in agriculture
- Appendix B: Methodology for costing the factors of production contributing to the gender gap in agriculture
- References
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Bibliographic information
Subject areas:
Economic empowerment
Land and property
Productive resources
Rural women
Women farmers
Resource type(s):
Research papers
Institutional reports
UN Women office publishing:
East and Southern Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages