UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Knowledge Management Strategy (2022-2025)

Knowledge management strategy cover

In line with the new strategic note, UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) developed its Knowledge Management Strategy (2022-2025) to sustain its focus on demand driven quality cutting-edge research, knowledge production, dissemination and use in line with the strategy through partnerships with diverse targets, capturing and organizing the same for use by various stakeholders. Key initiatives in the ESA KM Strategy (2022-2025) include sustaining the review and update of country gender equality profiles by all the 13 countries in the region, increasing momentum on the use of established KM systems and tools; institutional learning; quantitative and qualitative research and analyses on GEWE; capacity strengthening for R/M/COs on KM interventions; quality assurance processes of knowledge products; evidenced based advocacy and documentation and development and repackaging of knowledge products. Knowledge generated would be disseminated through diverse mechanisms and partnerships including leveraging the peer reviewed journals, academia, research think tanks, UN agencies, regional economic communities, country offices, CSOs among other partners for use of recommendations and findings. ESARO will create opportunities, develop and use innovative approaches to support knowledge management and promote knowledge generation, sharing and utilization internally and externally-with partners and stakeholders.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa
Resource type(s): Data/statistics
Publication year
Number of pages