How Uganda is using administrative data to improve the lives of women and girls
This brief is part of the Be Like Uganda series, which aims to showcase developments, achievements and lessons in gender data and statistics in the country as part of experience-sharing and particularly south-south learning towards promoting the communication, uptake and use of gender data and statistics.
Uganda has demonstrated thought leadership in the use of administrative data for statistical purposes in its efforts to meet national priorities and address gaps to achieve the Third National Development Plan (NDPIII) and SDG targets including on gender equality and women’s empowerment. (GEWE). The country has done so most notably in the use of administrative data to address violence against women and girls (VAWG). Through comprehensive reporting and evidence-based policy and decision-making, data compiled by the justice, law, and order sector (JLOS), private sector, and ministries, departments, and agencies is increasingly making a difference in the lives of women and girls. This brief highlights some of Uganda’s achievements and lessons in improving the quality of administrative data collected from the JLOS and other sectors and increasing the use of this data to address VAWG and other challenges with the result of increased demand for more timely, high quality, and disaggregated data.