Burundi Country Gender Equality Profile - English, French and Kirundi Versions

The Burundi Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP), 2023 edition scans the horizons and outlines the prospects for gender equality in Burundi with a view to creating an overview and establishing a baseline on the situation of Gender Equality in the country. This is in a bid to advance international, regional, and national commitments to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. In so doing, we would be able to have a profile that provides reliable gender data and a comprehensive analysis of the differences between women, men, girls and boys in all aspects of social, cultural, political and economic life. UN Women Burundi presents English, French and Kirundi versions of the gender profiles in this link.
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Bibliographic information
Subject areas:
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender data production and collection
Gender equality and inequality
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Gender statistics
Harmful practices
Resource type(s):
Good practices
Publication series:
Country gender profiles
UN Women office publishing:
Burundi Country Office
Publication year
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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