State department for gender and affirmative action strategic plan 2023-2027

The State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action for 2023-2027 is a second strategic plan building upon the success of the 2018-2022 plan. It provides a cardinal role in galvanizing efforts towards the achievement of gender equality and empowering women and girls across Kenya.
The Plan acknowledges existing hurdles to their mandate such as Inadequate resources to support the implementation of gender programmes; inadequate sex-disaggregated data to inform evidence-based programming; and strong cultural practices and beliefs hindering the fight against Gender-based Violence and female Genital Mutilation.
The publication identifies opportunities that will enable the gender sector to undertake its constitutional role aligned to the Kenya Vision 2020 and its fourth Medium Terme Plan under the social sector pillar. A monitoring and evaluation framework will track progress towards achieving set targets such as the two-third gender rule in most institutions. The Pan is set for success with various stakeholders and implementing partners such as Ministries, Departments and Agencies, County Governments, and establishments on board.