Somalia UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard

Somalia UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard
UN Women Somalia

The United Nations Country Team System-Wide Action Plan (UNCT-SWAP) Gender Equality Scorecard showcases the UNCT’s dedication to promoting gender responsiveness and accountability in implementing Cooperation Framework and its operations, structures, and processes. The UNCT in Somalia has set the following specific goals for this exercise:  To identify areas in which the team meets or does not meet minimum standards in terms of gender mainstreaming, to set baselines for the current Cooperation Framework 2021-2025 cycle, to stimulate a constructive dialogue within the UNCT about the existing support for gender equality and women’s empowerment and how it can be improved, identify where technical assistance can support the achievement of minimum standards and propose the minimum actions needed to support gender equality in Somalia’s UNCT, focusing on the current United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework cycle and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Based on the findings of this review, improvement actions will be taken for the remaining 18 months of the current Cooperation Framework cycle. The assessment results will also inform the development process of the new Cooperation Framework and strengthen gender mainstreaming from the early planning and design phase.

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Geographic coverage: Africa Somalia
Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages