Country Gender Equality Profile Sectorial Briefs for Kenya

These policy briefs form part of the Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP), which evaluates gender equality and women’s empowerment in Kenya using recent reports and resources. The objective is to enhance national understanding and data on fulfilling international, regional and national commitments to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE).
The CGEP offers evidence-based insights to guide advocacy and programming for stakeholders at the county and national levels, including the Government of Kenya, development partners, the European Union (EU), and the UN System. Grounded in a transformative, rights-based approach, the analysis aligns with core EU values on human rights and the EU Gender Action Plan 2021–2025 (GAP III), which emphasizes gender equality as essential for democracy, governance, and sustainable development.
This framework informs EU policies and actions in Kenya, aiming to advance gender equality while accelerating progress toward Kenya’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By integrating gender perspectives into programming, policies, and dialogues, the analysis promotes inclusivity and mainstreaming.
The briefs serve as a strategic guide for designing programmes and policies to integrate gender equality across key stakeholders, including national and county governments, development partners, private sector actors, and UN agencies. They emphasize context-specific, inclusive actions to address the unique needs, challenges and realities of women, men, boys, and girls in all their diversity.
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