Beijing Africa Regional Review Summary

Beijing Africa Regional Review Summary

The Africa Gender Index—which measures inequality between women and men in social, economic, business and political dimensions—reveals significant gender gaps across the continent. While introducing laws and policies is necessary, effective implementation and enforcement remain critical. This review covers a time when economic resilience was tested by the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly undermined the progress towards BPfA goals. The review brings together governments, civil society organizations, and youth groups, providing a powerful platform to recognize progress, identify areas of improvement, and take key actions to advance gender equality. This review was conducted through a regional online survey and a synthesis of national review reports submitted by African member States.

This publication highlights the achievements, challenges, and key actions undertaken by African member States to advance gender equality and women's empowerment. It also identifies key priority areas for action over the next five years to accelerate progress toward gender equality in Africa. 

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa
Resource type(s): Assessments
UN Women office publishing: East and Southern Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages