Harnessing technology/innovation and youth activism to effectively respond and prevent violence against women and girls in Kenya

Event description
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic brought with it disruptions in the “normal” functions of societies and economies around the world, with various restrictions being put in place to curb its spread, forcing many to adapt to the “new normal” of daily activities moving online. The social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the youth, especially young women, and girls. The lock-down and social distance measures have caused additional risks to women and children and exacerbated all forms of violence including Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at the individual, family, and societal levels. The National GBV Hotline recorded 6,297 cases between March-December 2020, as compared to 1,152 cases during the same period in 2019, a 446% increase noted during the covid period.
Innovation and Technology can be invaluable tools in the fight to end VAW e.g. through creating awareness via social media, connecting survivors to various essential services via helplines and hotlines, education and training via digital libraries, dissemination of information through SMS services, etc.
Objectives of the Event.
- Bring together young people to share their innovative ideas and experiences geared towards fighting GBV.
- Link up young innovators with like-minded partners with the possibility of scaling up their initiatives.
- Brainstorm on the future of technology in the fight against GBV.