Launch of the Continental Study on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment and HIV in Africa: The Impact of Intersecting Issues and Continental Priorities
Event description
The Women Gender and Youth Directorate of the African Union Commission(AUC-WGYD) in collaboration with UN Women and UNAIDS will convene a high-level virtual launch of the joint study “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment and HIV in Africa: The Impact of Intersecting Issues and Continental Priorities” on July 26, 2021.
Putting into consideration the urgent imperative to address the disproportionate impact of HIV on women and girls, the need for empowerment of women through strategies, policies, budgets, institutions and accountability framework and the African unfinished gender and AIDS agenda and the need for a robust and holistic implementation of the continental policies and strategies to meet the set continental targets the AUC-WGYD, UNAIDS and UN Women commissioned this continental study and policy brief that uses evidence to illustrate the intersectionality of gender, gender inequalities, SRH&RR and HIV/AIDS in Africa including the regional variations. The continental study looks in-depth into these issues and provides recommendations to address existing and emerging challenges.
Main objectives of the event are to highlight the key outcomes and recommendation of the study and garner multi-stakeholder partnerships around implementation of the key recommendations of the study.
The meeting will bring together Experts from Ministries responsible for Gender and Women’s Affairs in all AU Member States; the Regional Economic Communities, AU organs and Specialized Agencies, civil society organizations, media, and development partners, among other stakeholders.
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