UN Women and the African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with ITU, UNICEF, UNESCO and UNECA are launching the second phase of the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI).

Event description
UN Women and the African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with ITU, UNICEF, UNESCO and UNECA are launching the second phase of the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI).
The 4th industrial revolution brings a growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and advanced wireless technologies, among others. However, research shows that only 30% of people engaged in STEM careers in Sub Saharan Africa are women. If Africa misses to close the gender digital gap, we leave 50 % of our population behind.
With this background UN Women together with AUC and ITU launched the first phase of AGCCI, in 2018 and trained 600 girls with digital skills, developed a gender and ICT mainstreaming guide into national curricula as well as established an e-learning platform.
In 2022 UN Women, AUC, ITU together with UNESCO, UNICEF and UNECA with financial support from the Government of Belgium will launch the second phase of AGCCI on April 28th 2022 in Dar Es Salam. This high-level launch will bring together officials from the AUC Department of Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHSD), Department of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (ESTI), Women, Gender and Youth Directorate (WGYD), Government of Tanzania, UN agencies, private sector and AGCCI Alumni.
The second phase will be implemented in 11 countries namely; Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
Event Concept Note HERE
Event Agenda HERE
Event link https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1KbhWUm2QSWw6icc31vX8w