The Inter-Ministerial Committee on Gender Statistics in Cameroon organized its first session
The first meeting of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Gender Statistics in Cameroon organized at Hôtel Azur in Yaoundé, July 25th 2019, aimed at providing its members with strategic orientations and a roadmap to improve the production and use of gender statistics for a better monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Gender Policy.
The activity is part of the "Women Count" Program, a Flagship Global Program, funded by UN Women and implemented since 2017 in 12 countries. It is currently implemented in Cameroon, in partnership with MINPROFF, INS, BUCREP, and several other entities with the overall objective of making gender statistical data available, accessible, analyzed and used, to inform policies, advocacy and accountability to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The working session started with the address of Mrs Hind JALAL, Deputy Representative of UN Women, followed by the opening speech of the Committee Chairman, Mr. Moussa AOUDOU, Secretary General of the Ministry of Family and Woman Empowerment, in the presence of the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Joseph TEDOU, Director of the National Statistics Institute. Then, Mrs. Paulette BEAT, Programme Coordinator at the UN Women, gave an overview of the "Woman Count" programme, for the committee members to have a better idea of what are its objectives.
The meeting, facilitated by Mr. MATIP Alain, Head of the Planning and Statistics Unit at MINPROFF, concluded by the review and adoption of the 2019 Work Plan of "Women Count" in Cameroon, the main lines of which consist in setting up a database for gender statistics in Cameroon, strengthening the capacities of actors in the production chain of gender statistics, as well as ensuring quality assurance of gender integration in major national surveys. The next session has been planned for November 2019.