I am Generation Equality: Hanna Kidane, feminist climate justice champion in Ethiopia
Billions of people across the world stand on the right side of history every day. They speak up, take a stand, mobilize, and take big and small actions to advance women’s rights. This is Generation Equality.Date:

Three steps you can take for climate justice:
- Educate and create awareness about climate justice at the community level
- Use your power and voice to influence others.
- Support women in agriculture and those who have been affected by natural disasters.

I am Generation Equality because…
I speak up for women’s rights. It is a cause that can’t be explained from a single perspective because it has roots in many factors including our surroundings and loved ones. I have seen countless people being limited just because of their gender, and this affects our potential as women, as households and as a country.
Observably, the most urgent issue around the world is climate change. Climate change is real and its impact is unprecedented, especially on women, and especially for agriculture-based developing countries like Ethiopia where the economy of the country depends highly on agricultural products. It follows that, poverty is the consequence as climate change is having devastating effects on mass agricultural production.

“Climate change is real and its impact is unprecedented, especially on women, and especially for agriculture-based developing countries like Ethiopia where the economy of the country depends highly on agricultural products.”

Everywhere in the world, women struggle to recover from natural disasters and other atrocities of global warming. Lack of financial knowledge and freedom to look out for themselves tie them down. Very little is said about climate justice in the media and in schools and for that reason people fail to realize how important it is to be engaged in such matters.
To realize our vision, we are raising awareness among woman by training and informing them what we mean by climate justice. My advice for everyone is that it is never too late to follow your passion and interest. Anyone at any age or financial status can care about what we stand for and your care and interest could make a difference. Even in times where it might seem hard or impossible, you should always work towards it because the passion you have is the one thing that truly matters.
Your care and interest can make a difference.
Hana Kidane is an Ethiopian activist fighting for social change and climate justice.