Call for Proposals SUDAN

Submission deadline: 22 April 2024

1. Objectives and Purpose of the Call for Proposals

The overall purpose of this call for proposals is to provide grants to local women and young women’s civil society organizations in Sudan focused on the enhanced protection safety, security and mental health of women and girls, and peacebuilding and economic recovery of women and young women in peacebuilding contexts. The call for proposals specifically contributes to WPHF’s overall goal of contributing to peaceful and gender equal societies.

Initiatives should aim to reach those women and girls experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those excluded due to geography, ethnicity, disability, age, migratory status, HIV status, among others and which is in alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the principle of leaving no one behind.

2. Country Context Linked to Call for Proposals

Since mid-April, the conflict between Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused forced displacement, death, injury and an unfolding humanitarian crisis. The conflict in Sudan has forced over 7 million people to flee their homes since April 2023. This adds to the pre-existing displacement of nearly 3.8 million people, predominantly concentrated in Darfur. Prior to the current surge in violence, Sudan already faced a protracted economic crisis, inter-communal conflicts, disease outbreaks and climate-related hazards – while hosting over a million refugees, primarily from its neighboring countries.

More than 50 per cent of the population of over 45 million are in need of humanitarian aid and protection, with a drastic increase of persons in need from 15.8 million before the conflict to 24.7 million. Overall, more than 20 million people across Sudan are facing high levels of acute food insecurity as a result of conflict, mass displacement, and economic decline. The ongoing fighting has exacerbated the existing discrimination and violence against women and girls. Since the fighting began, civil society organizations have reported increasing cases of gender-based violence, in particular sexual violence and kidnappings targeting women and girls for forced marriages and held for ransom. However, women on the ground have immediately organized themselves and found alternative ways to continue their operations, have formed neighborhood committees to identify and respond to the communities’ needs, as well as use new technologies to identify safer routes. Women peacebuilders and women’s rights organizations in Sudan are experienced in responding to violence, sexual violence and trauma created through war, and continue to respond as much as possible to the current situation. Women-led organizations and women’s rights organizations have played a crucial role in establishing GBV services and acting as a bridge to survivors when reporting. Nevertheless, the patriarchal structure of society has marginalized women and women’s groups, sidelining them from formal high-level participation.

[Sudan-Emergency/CfP4 2024] 1

Special attention will be provided to applications supporting women and girls multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those marginalized and excluded due to poverty, ethnicity, disability, age, geography, migratory status, HIV status, among others.

3. Scope (Location and Duration)

The WPHF will fund qualifying projects in Sudan with a geographical focus in: Northern State (Shamalia), North Kordofan, River Nile.

Multi-country projects, or projects outside the geographical focus will NOT be accepted. CSOs can apply for a maximum of 2 years (24 months). Read more

Contact information

  • Email: WPHFapplications[at]