World Humanitarian Day 2024


World Humanitarian Day 2024
World Humanitarian Day 2024: UN Women East and Southern Africa

Throughout the ESA region, humanitarian demands arising from the globally changing weather patterns and climate induced disasters [floods, cyclones, droughts and economic shocks] are on the increase. Overall estimates indicate that over 75 million people are in need of assistance across several countries in the region. The on-going El Niño phenomena in the Horn of Africa has led to unusually high moisture levels, causing widespread flooding across the region, particularly affecting communities in the Horn of Africa still grappling with the aftermath of the prolonged 2021-2023 drought, deemed the severest in four decades. Similarly, in the Southern Africa region, the El Niño phenomenon has led to a severe rainfall deficit, with temperatures five degrees above average. The region experienced its driest February in 100 years, affecting over 30 million people across multiple countries.

World Humanitarian Day

By the end of February 2024, the ESA region will host one of the world’s largest displacement crises. At least 17 million people are internally displaced, while 5.1 million are refugees or asylum seekers with estimates of over 75% being women and children. By April 2024, more than 8 million people were forcibly displaced in Sudan with another 4.6 million people internally displaced in Ethiopia. Similarly in Mozambique’s northern province of Cabo Delgado conflict and insecurity are contributing to enhanced vulnerability and escalating humanitarian needs. The convergences of these crisis continue to affect women and girls through loss of lives, livelihoods, risks to SGBV, exploitation and abuse as well increased burden of care.