Generation Equality at CSW69


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Generation Equality at CSW69

Generation Equality is a groundbreaking initiative launched at the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPfA). Convened by UN Women, this multi-stakeholder partnership catalyzes collective action for gender equality by mobilizing diverse partners across sectors, driving increased investments in gender equality initiatives, delivering measurable results and acelerating the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and Sustainable Development Goals.

The sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69), to be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 10 to 21 March 2025, will focus on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and its outcomes. This session provides an unparalleled platform to showcase the multistakeholder model of Generation Equality’s results and impact, further build ownership of multistakeholder partnerships, and drive attention towards Beijing+30 and beyond. 

Generation Equality Events at CSW69: 

Find below the different Generation Equality events that will take place during CSW69:

  • Multistakeholder Partnerships – Leveraging Generation Equality to Advance Recommitment, Accountability, and Resourcing of the Beijing Platform for Action”

Date: Monday, 10 March 2024 from 4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET
Location: ECOSOC chamber in the UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: UN Women, Bolivia, Sweden

The side event will demonstrated how Generation Equality has enabled concrete, tangible results towards the Beijing Platform for Action by spotlighting collective efforts advanced through the Action Coalitions and the Compact. The side event also identified opportunities in the current global context of pushback, regression and fragmentation to position Generation Equality as a game changer during the final push towards the 2030 Agenda.

  • Social Norms change, Networking and Global Advocacy to Advance Women’s Political Participation and Decision Making

Date: Monday, March 10, 2025, 10:00-11:15 AM EST
Location: ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: International IDEA, IPU, UCLG, UN Women, European Commission

The symposium led by UNFPA focused on the synergies between the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) in line with the CSW focus on Beijing+30. The side event is organized within the framework of the Women's Leadership initiative,  funded by the European Union, and implemented by UN Women, IDEA, IPU and UCLG.

  • Advancing data for synergies between gender, climate and environment

Date: Tuesday 11 March 2025 | 12:30 GMT (8:30 EST)
Location: Online

This NGO CSW69 parallel event will focus on the data challenges hindering the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, specifically focusing on opportunities for synergy between gender, climate and environment.

  • CSW Youth Forum: Aligning the Beijing Platform for Action and the Pact for the Future - closing the gap between aspiration and action

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 4:45-6:00 PM
Location: Conference Room 2, UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: UN Women
Register: Please use this form to register

The event aims to bring together youth leaders, UN representatives, and key partners in an interactive, solutions-oriented session. The event will leverage insights from the Summit of the Future Youth Action Days (SOTF Youth Action Days) and youth outcomes from the B+30 regional reviews to ensure a strong foundation of youth-led perspectives and strategies. Furthermore, the session will reflect the strategic priorities of the UN Youth Office (UNYO) and other UN Agencies, particularly their commitment to strengthening youth engagement and leadership across the UN system.

  • Reflection and Review of Gender Equality Progress within the G20

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 03:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Location: Conference Room 2 (max. capacity: 571), Conference Building
Contact: Jonathan Passmoor:

  • Beijing+ 30: Assessing linkages and mapping opportunities for the Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition (FACJ) and its Commitments Makers

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 12:30 PM - 02:15 PM
Location: UN Headquarters in New York City
Co-hosts: FACJ Action Coalition, UN Women, Women Health Climate, APCO Worldwide

The event will explore critical linkages, including with Multilateral Environmental Agreements, national policy-making and grassroots-level action and the various good practices and entry points from FACJ Commitment Makers in a truly multi-stakeholder manner. 

  • Reflections and Resolve: Civil Society Pathways to Push Forward for Gender Equality”

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:00-4:15 PM
Location: Conference Room 2, UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: UN Women and Regional CSO Steering Committees for Beijing+30
Registration: Please use this form to register

This side-event offers an invaluable opportunity to unite civil society voices across the regions, including Generation Equality stakeholders, harness shared experiences, and build a stronger, more resilient movement capable of advancing the Beijing Platform for Action agenda and driving meaningful change for women and girls around the world. The side-event will also bring together youth leaders and activists, adolescent leaders, drawing on the Youth Forums that accompanied some of the regional convenings.

  • Equality Before the Law in Rwanda: Gains, Gaps, and Future Reforms

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Permanent Mission of Rwanda, 124 E 39th St, New York NY 10016
Organizers: Government of Rwanda, Government of Sweden, UN Women and Legal Aid Forum
Registration: Please use this form to register

On the sidelines of CSW69, the Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), the Permanent Mission of Rwanda to the United Nations, UN Women, and the Legal Aid Forum, is hosting a side event at the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69). The event, themed "Equality Before the Law in Rwanda: Gains, Gaps, and Future Reforms," will highlight Rwanda’s progress in fulfilling commitments under the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. It will emphasize the vital role of legal frameworks in achieving gender equality, advocating for the elimination of discriminatory laws and the enforcement of rights-based legal protections for women. If you're in New York, we invite you to join us!

  • Beijing +30: Addressing Rural Women's Land Tenure Insecurity and Gender Equality

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025,03:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Location: Conference Room E (max. capacity: 52), GA Building
Organizers:: Government of Tanzania and CSO (LANDESA, GATA, WILDAF and UN Women)
More information: Flyer

  • Young Women Mobilizing for Peace: A Night of Solidarity with Sudan

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025, 5:30PM
Organizers: Nala Feminist Collective (Nalafem) and the New York University (Peace Research and Education Program)
Registration: Please use the form to register

Sudan has been grappling with a devastating conflict, deeply affecting women and children. Amid this crisis, young feminists and their allies have been at the forefront of advocating for peace, justice, and humanitarian action. Despite their critical roles, their voices remain marginalized in peace talks and decision-making. This event seeks to amplify the efforts of young women peacebuilders in Sudan, galvanise the power of mobilisation of young people to end conflict related sexual violence, as well as fostering intergenerational and cross-border solidarity for sustainable peace.  

  • Economías del cuidado para la equidad de género y la reducción de la pobreza de las mujeres y niñas

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025,8:00-9:45 AM EST
Location: Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations, 2 United Nations Plaza 28th floor, New York
Organizers: Government of Mexico, Global Alliance for Care, ILSB – México

  • CSW69: Generation Equality Reception

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM EST
Location: Japan Society, 333 E 47th St, New York (personal invitation needed)
Organizers: UN Women

The event provides an intimate opportunity for stakeholders to celebrate progress, acknowledge persistent challenges, demand accountability, and recommit to gender equality. It serves as a platform for building and expanding allyships to prevent regression and push forward the rights, empowerment, and equality agenda for women and girls. 

  • Generation Equality: A Collaborative Dialogue with the Philanthropy Sector

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025, 4:00-5:30 PM EST
Location: UN Women Headquarters in New York City (personal invitation needed)
Organizers: UN Women, OECD Development Centre's netFWD

The roundtable dialogue, organized in the margins of CSW69 by the OECD Development Centre’s netFWD and UN Women as the global convenor of Generation Equality, aims to articulate the value of Generation Equality’s multistakeholder engagement model, and the need for sustained, diverse partnerships and constituencies, facilitate peer learning and exchanges on the role philanthropy actors can play in advancing gender equality and create opportunities to leverage multistakeholder partnership models, and set the stage for possible conversations on new or renewed commitments to support Generation Equality’s convenor role. The roundtable will be a two-hour in-person dialogue, bringing together 20-30 philanthropic and UN Women stakeholders. 

  • From Beijing to FfD4: Bridging Commitments through Multistakeholder Approaches for Women’s Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development at Global Fora

Date: 1st Week of CSW69, noon or afternoon (TBD)
Location: UN Headquarters in New York City (tbc)
Organizers: UN Women, Sweden, FEMNET

This side event will focus on bridging Commitments made 30 years ago in Beijing for women’s economic empowerment and sustainable development at global and regional levels through a multistakeholder approach. It will be also the occasion to launch UN Women's new Resource Paper on "Centring Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development" which offers substantive analysis and targeted recommendations introducing a gender lens to key financial policy solutions (including from the Blueprints of the EJR Action Coalition). It will be a space for Leaders and Commitment Makers of the EJR Action Coalition and other participants to reignite commitments made at Beijng+30 and to discuss how governments, policymakers, multilateral organizations, the private sector, and civil society can use the paper and other tools to integrate women’s economic empowerment priorities into the FfD4 process and the subsequent implementation of its outcome.

  • Strengthening Ecosystems and Localization Accelerators to Realize Gender Justice

Date: Monday, 17 March 2025,  04:45 PM - 06:00 PM
Location: Conference Room 1 (max. capacity: 571), Conference Building
Organizers: Republic of Kenya and Republic of Columbia
More information: Flyer

On the sidelines of the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Governments of Kenya and Colombia will convene a side event focusing on various measures taken to address the critical area of concern on gender-based violence (GBV). The session will include statements, a moderated panel discussion with guided questions for the speakers, and a plenary session for communists, questions and answers, followed by concluding remarks. The panel discussion will focus on the key legal and policy reforms and mechanisms that 2    3  Kenya and Colombia have undertaken to promote inclusivity and sustainability. Key milestones including judicial reforms being undertaken to enhance access to justice and technology facilitated GBV will also be highlighted. The discussion will also focus on Investment in data with key recommendations on future priority actions.

  • Impact of Women’s Leadership and Decision-Making Post Beijing– Lessons from Kenya and Global Strategies for Replication

Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025, 03:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Location: Conference Room E (max. capacity: 52), GA Building
Organizers: Republic of Kenya
Registration: Please use the QRcode in the Flyer to register

This side-event seeks to discuss how women leaders have contributed to address key national issues as contained in the twelve critical areas of concern under the Beijing Platform for Action. Through curated panel discussions, the side event will highlight how women in leadership positions have sucessfully created more includsive decision-making processes. benefiting not just women but entire communities.

  • Feminist Movements and the Beijing Vision, 30 years later!

Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30pm
Location: CCUN Building 2nd Floor
Organizers: Womankind Worldwide, FEMNET and Polycom
*American Sign language interpretation will be provided during the side-event

During the launch, we will reflect on the progress that’s been made 30 years post the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPFA). With a focus on violence against women, women’s participation and leadership and women’s economic rights/justice, discussions will unpack the centrality of advocacy, movement strengthening and feminist funds/flexible grantmaking in realizing the BDPFA vision whilst making recommendations for state and non-state actors to consider. This is primarily based on insights from our partners and grantees in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Uganda and Zimbabwe. 

  • Deconstructing Feminist Rule of Law Approaches to Climate Action

Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3:00-4:15 PM EST
Location: Conference Room 12, UN Headquarters in New York City.
Organizers: UN Women, IDLO

Feminist rule of law approaches to climate action provide a unique opportunity to transform legal and institutional climate-related processes and enhance the ability of women and girls to claim their rights and participate in climate-related decision-making at all levels.

  • Claiming Civic Space: Advancing Intergenerational and Intersectional Feminist Movements and Leadership in a Challenging Global Context

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025,03:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Location: Conference Room A (max. capacity: 53), Conference Building
Organizers: UN Women, Malawi, Generation Equality Action Coalition on Feminist Movements;

The event will amplify the leadership of feminist movements for deepening civic spaces, and foster intergenerational and intersectional solidarity. It will align feminist leadership priorities with global processes like Beijing+30 and explore practical strategies for sustaining feminist movements amid global challenges and local actions for change. The event provides a platform for member states to strengthen their support for feminist movements and to align national policies with UN Women’s priorities. It focuses on actionable solutions to protect civic spaces, ensure the safety of human rights defenders, and foster intergenerational and intersectional feminist leadership.

  • The Care Agenda 30 Years After the Fourth World Conference on Women: A Reflection on Achievements and the Way Forward

Date: Friday, March 21, 2025, 1:15-2:30 PM
Location: Conference Room A, UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: Government of Chile, UN Women, Global Alliance for Care

The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action represented a pivotal moment in the global pursuit of gender equality. Today, 30 years later, the world reconvenes to review this achievement, assess global progress, analyze existing challenges, and devise possible solutions to safeguard the rights of women and girls. This is an opportunity to incorporate new debates, evidence, and initiatives emerging on gender inequalities.  

  • Fulfilling the True Vision of Beijing (and Rio): A whole-of-society approach to gender and environment data

Date: Friday, March 21, 2025, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Location: Conference Room E, UN Headquarters in New York City
Organizers: IIED, multiple Permanent Missions, UN Women, and others

The impacts of intertwined crises, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, vary widely among women and girls and reveal deep inequalities that affect them differently. Recognising and addressing this is essential for effective policymaking and moving towards gender justice. This official side event will explain why a ‘whole-of-society approach’ to data is vital for better informed decision-making.