International Women’s Conference Spotlights South Sudan


International Women's Conference South Sudan

Juba---Four hundred and thirty (430) national and international women from 15 countries gathered in Juba from February 13 to 15 for the first International Conference on Women’s Transformational Leadership.

The historic gathering, dubbed #Guwatamara (Strength of a Woman),  came as Africa’s youngest nation tries to beef up the  implementation of the 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), which has key provisions aligned with the women peace and security agenda. The agreement calls for governance and security reforms, constitution development and the inclusion of women in key decision-making positions of at least 35 percent in all sectors.  It also includes provisions for opportunities to address women peace and security, humanitarian assistance and reconstruction,  economic and financial  management reforms, and transitional justice.

The R-ARCSS established the transitional government headed by President Salva Kiir Mayardit.  On 4th August 2022, the parties’ signatory to R-ARCSS agreed to the extension of the transition period for another twenty-four months. South Sudan plans to hold elections in December 2025.

South Sudan’s Vice President Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, who is responsible for gender and youth hosted the conference in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare and the National Transformational Leadership Institute at the University of Juba and the United Nations, under the leadership of  Sara Beysolow Nyanti, Deputy Special Representative of  the Secretary General in the UN Mission in South Sudan and Resident Coordinator of the UN system and Humanitarian Coordinator.

The three-day conference featured high-profile speakers including Liberia’s former President Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Mauritius former President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Catherine Samba-Panza, former president of the Central African Republic, Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee and local and national women leaders in South Sudan and from the UN.  The conference also attracted South Sudanese women from the diaspora, women from the displaced camps, the states, and administrative districts.  President Kiir opened the conference and First Vice President for the governance cluster Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon addressed the closing session. 

Participants  discussed six themes: women peace and security; governance and political participation; women’s economic empowerment; climate change and its impact on gender equality; movement building and women’s leadership in civil society; and intergenerational pathways to leadership.

South Sudanese women shared stories about their role in their country’s liberation and its transformation and learned from the experiences of women from Zimbabwe, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Mauritius, Egypt and the United States of  America.

Speaker after speaker, urged the women of South Sudan to play greater role in building their 11-year-old nation by asserting their rights and agenda in the peace agreement.   The agreement, when fully implemented, will result in better gender equality outcomes in the social, political, and economic spheres.

National and international speakers urged South Sudanese women to  ensure that their voices are reflected in the new constitution, political parties field women candidates, advocate for  relocating women from displaced camps, ensure that the 35 percent inclusion extends to the states and   that the national budget  supports  women rights agenda. Women make up 60 percent of South Sudan’s population of 10 million; and youth comprise 75 percent.

Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee encouraged the women  to take ownership of the peace process and nation building by putting aside their differences.

“Do whatever you can to ensure peace is solidified in your country,’ she said. “Be involved in the political process to ensure that Africa’s youngest nation succeeds. To the powerful women of South Sudan, do not disappoint your children. You may not like each other but you love South Sudan more. It is not about you; it is about the future of your nation.’’

President Kiir said the conference highlighted the strides South Sudan has made in elevating women to public office. South Sudan can boast of a woman vice president, eight cabinet ministers including the Minister of Defense and Veterans and Speaker of Parliament.

“Our country cannot afford gender-based discrimination as this hinders peace and development,’’ President Kirr said.  “We have nurtured women leaders in South Sudan who are working incredibly toward the realization of gender equality.’’

Despite the gains, the country still has more work to do to advance women’s rights, the president said.

President Kiir promised to encourage political parties in the peace agreement to prioritize the delivery of development priorities, build women’s capacities, protect human rights for women and all citizens and provide opportunities for women and girls to develop skills through professional and vocational trainings and business.

“Let us keep working towards a better day for women and girls,’’ he said. “I urge all of you to learn from the deliberations of the conference and get inspired by women leaders who are with you at this conference.’’

In her keynote address, Africa’s first female President Madam Sirleaf recognized the women of South Sudan for their resilience in keeping Africa’s youngest country in peace.  She also praised the government for fulfilling its commitment to ensuring 35 percent women representation.

“Congratulations to the woman Speaker of Parliament and the eight women who serve as cabinet ministers today,’’ she said.

While acknowledging the gains,  Madam Sirleaf said South Sudan’s women still face multiple forms of discrimination and barriers: two million women who are malnourished; nearly 75 percent of girls are illiterate; increase in conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence; women lack access to sanitation; and 45 percent of girls get married before the age of 18.

South Sudan, she said, needs its “women to grow, so that it will grow as a flourishing nation.’’

Women, she said, are game changers when they are given opportunities and protected in the socio-economic and political system.

“Education of the girl child is paramount, and we must work to ensure that every girl child has quality education,’ Sirleaf said. “That will be one of the keys to your success.’’

 Sirleaf also praised Ms.  Nyanti, for her commitment to the people of South Sudan and noted that she was proud of this “strong, dynamic Liberian woman.’’

In remarks, Ms.  Nyanti said the conference was aimed at shifting the narrative of South Sudan from humanitarian to development.

 “Let’s put South Sudan on the international radar in a new way with development lens,’’ she said.

 Hundreds of women from around the world came to “lift, motivate and encourage the women of South Sudan to continue on the journey that started so many years ago as they struggled for independence.’’

“The women of South Sudan deserve the best, so let us support them to make the best of this country,’’ she said.

Vice President HE Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior said the conference brought visibility to South Sudan, and she thanked the UN partners under the leadership of Ms.  Nyanti for supporting the conference. Vice President De Mabior and the UN partners emphasized that recommendations from the conference will serve as a catalyst for developing programs to support gender equality in South Sudan.

Some of the recommendations include extend the 35 percent inclusion of women in political participation to local governance structures and system; promote decentralization of governance processes to include women;  implement the peace agreement with focus on women, youth and children; and  capacity development in digital technology for women and their families,  focusing on food security, protection and engagement in the political and constitution process.

“This Transformational Conference on Women’s Leadership is a spark to a bright and beautiful fire,’’ Vice President De Mabior said. “We join together to recommit to advancing gender equality, not only in South Sudan, but also globally.’’

First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon  agreed with Vice President De Mabior  about the global recognition the conference has brought to South Sudan, especially after visit of Pope Francis.

“In a span of ten days, the world’s attention has been on South Sudan,’’ he said. “Many times, our women have gone to conferences in Nairobi, now we can say South Sudan can hold an international conference.’’

He encouraged the women to follow-up on the conference’s recommendation, especially the push for educating the girl child. He suggested that the women form a union to push for their rights and hold public officials accountable.

Women are in the majority, but the literacy rate among women is low,’’ he said. Illiteracy is one of the major factors for the marginalization of women in South Sudan, the Vice President said.

“Now that we have peace, we must double our efforts to get girls educated,’’ Vice President Teny Dhurgon said. ” They say, ‘When you educate a woman, you educate a nation.’

South Sudan gained independence in 2011 after a brutal civil war that killed 400,000 people and displaced millions.


Nyankuir De Mabior

Office of the Vice President

Contact: [ Click to reveal ].

Tel: +0924944344


 Nomsa Taulo, UNDP

Contact: +211923561174; [ Click to reveal ]


Sarah Nyabik Chaat, UNWomen

Contact +211926133169; [ Click to reveal ]