Mapping of Discrimination against Women and Girls with Disabilities in East & Southern Africa

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Mapping of Gender Related Discrimination amongst Women with Disabilities in the East & Southern Africa Region study is premised on the fact that information and data on women and girls with disabilities in East & Southern Africa (ESA) are limited, and their specific needs are not always addressed in initiatives promoting women’s empowerment. The study targeted six countries in the region including Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. These countries, just like other countries have made progress in the form of legislation, policy and programmes for promotion of rights of persons with disabilities. They, however, experience different socioeconomic and gender-related challenges. Practically for all the countries, the Human Development Index is higher for men than for women. Men have higher average incomes and more years of education than women in the Countries of study. These differences are exacerbated when it comes to women and girls with disabilities in the region. 

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Jack Onyisi Abebe, 

Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa
UN Women office publishing: East and Southern Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages