Minimum Set of Gender Indicators for Africa

The Minimum Set of Gender Indicators for Africa (MSGIA) initiative is embedded in the Africa Programme of Gender Statistics (APGS), as well as the Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa (SHaSA). The MSGIA provides guidance on the prioritization of indicators to be collected in Africa, acts as an important resource when member countries develop their own minimum sets of gender indicators as part of their gender statistics frameworks and plans, as well as facilitates the harmonization of current regional and sub-regional indicator initiatives. The MSGIA will furthermore guide priority setting by national, regional, and international entities in support of the sustainable production and use of gender statistics in the region. The initiative provides strategic direction and scope for the actors in the gender data ecosystem to strengthening institutions, improving coordination mechanisms, updating legislation, ensuring adequate budgetary allocations, advancing research and methodological development, and improving staff competencies and data sources.
The framework as reflected in this report is based on the work executed during Phases 1 and 2 of the MSGIA initiative. The work was premised from the onset on the rationalization of existing indicator sets, rather than the creation of a completely new set. It is grounded in an analysis of gender relevant indicators from the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, Global Minimum Set of Gender Indicators, gender indicators from the Africa Agenda 2063, the Africa Gender Scorecard and the Africa Gender and Development Index published by Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Africa Gender Index compiled by the Africa Development Bank (AfdB), as well as inputs received from national gender focal points, and National Statistics Offices (NSOs), United Nations (UN) agencies and civil society organizations (CSOs).
The final report is available in English, French and Arabic.