Guidelines to support engagement with Traditional and Religious leaders

Book cover
UN Women, AUC, EU Delegation to the AU

Traditional and religious leaders in Africa play significant roles as custodians of cultural practices within their communities. Considering their key role, UN Women, through the Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Program (SIARP), in collaboration with the AUC and in partnership with the EU Delegation to the AU, launched the "Partnership Guidelines to Support Strengthened Engagement between the African Union, Regional faith-Based Organizations, and Communities of Traditional Leaders for the Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Africa" with key recommendations to respond to gender-based violence in the continent.

The Guidelines have been developed, in collaboration with faith and traditional leaders and the AUC, as well as UN agencies and women’s rights CSOs, to support partnerships between the AU, FBOs and, with the aim of strengthening their engagement in prevention and response to SGBV, harmful practices and promotion of SRH &RR in Africa.

Objectives of the Guidelines:

  • Provide an overview of the AUC and its structures to understand entry points and opportunities for partnerships with regional FBOs and CTLs;
  • Identify lessons learned from previous and current collaboration between and amongst regional FBOs and CTLs and the AUC and recommendations to inform more effective collaboration.

Read the Guidelines and the key recommendations for more systematic partnerships between AUC, faith-based organizations, and community of traditional leaders on fighting violence against women and girls in Africa.


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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa
Resource type(s): Project/programme reports
Publication year
Number of pages