Country Gender Equality Profile Sectorial Briefs for South Sudan

In 2022, the National Ministry of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare (MGCSW), in partnership with the UN Women South Sudan Country Office, conducted a study to develop the country’s Gender Equality Profile for the Republic of South Sudan. This study built upon numerous initiatives by the two organizations, which have collaborated closely with relevant government ministries, civil society organizations, women’s groups, academia, and development partners to advance gender equality, women’s empowerment, and governance.
The findings highlight South Sudan’s notable progress in domesticating and implementing gender equality policies and programs. As the country transitions and implements the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), citizens are increasingly aware of gender rights and actively involved in peacebuilding efforts. However, women continue to face significant structural and institutional barriers across various sectors.
Following the study, UN Women developed sector specific briefs to inform policy advocacy and programming on gender equality in South Sudan. These briefs outline key recommendations and priority areas for intervention for government sectors, development partners, UN agencies, and civil society groups. They focus on strengthening the legal framework, enhancing institutional structures and promoting socio-economic development.
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