Call for proposal: Strengthening the economic power of women living along the ring road: Bamenda- Ndop-Kumbo-Nkambe- Wum- Bafut- Bamenda as part of the transport sector support program phase III (2022-2024)

Submission deadline: 15 March 2024

This project will help strengthen women cooperatives in the areas to increase their agricultural productivity and food security, improve on conservation methods and reduce post-harvest losts and increase the marketability of their products. All this will be possible by provided these women with knowledge and skills in agriculture and value chain and also provide them with the basic inputs, equipements and structures needed to support them.  It will contribute to the achievement of MDG 5, Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The project will directly affect 3850 female beneficiaries, and 30,000 females indirectly in 6 Divisions of the Northwest regions.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Emmanuel Marie Ateba
  • Email: emmanuel.ateba[at]
  • Telephone: +237 699882336