Empowering Women and Promoting Peace: UN Women and Finland Visit Kwale


Finland's Ambassador to Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Seychelles and Uganda H.E. Pirkka Tapiola, and the Embassy of Finland to Kenya Head of Cooperation Anu Ala-Rantala, joined a team from the UN Women Kenya Country Office led by Country Representative Anna Mutavati,  to visit Kwale County in June 2024. This visit aimed to document impact of a four-year project (2020-2023) focused on enhancing women's political participation, eliminating gender-based violence (GBV), and promoting peace and security.

UN Women has been implementing the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) project in Kenya with support from the Government of Finland and collaboration with a diverse range of State and Non-State partners. This national initiative, anchored on the Kenya Country Office Strategic Note thematic focus areas,  aims to increase women's leadership in national and county institutions, enhance the implementation of the National Gender Based Violence (GBV) Policy, and support women, peace, and security commitments in line with UNSCR 1325 and 2242.

The Delegation at Governor’s Achani’s Office: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
The Delegation at Governor’s Achani’s Office: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

The visit began with a meeting with H.E. Fatuma Achani, Kwale's first female Governor, whose election was supported by the Women of Power (Wadada wa Pawa) project. This initiative, implemented in partnership with the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), has been crucial in dismantling barriers for women in politics.

Kwale KCO
Kwale's Governor, H.E. Fatuma Achani and Finland's Ambassador H.E. Pirkka Tapiola. UN Women Kenya Country Representative, Anna Mutavati and Kwale's Governor, H.E. Fatuma AchaniPhoto: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

"Devolution is working. For the first time, a Muslim woman is Governor in Kwale County. I am determined to lead from the front and ensure that all stakeholders work together to address GBV in our community," Governor Achani stated.

H.E. Fatuma Achani, Kwale's Governor. Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
H.E. Fatuma Achani, Kwale's Governor. Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

Governor Achani's leadership has not only broken cultural barriers but has also driven significant legislative changes such as women assuming prominent political positions and chairing various gender caucuses, marking a pivotal shift towards gender equality and inclusive governance in our region.

"Our efforts in capacity building, media engagement, and community dialogues have created spaces for women to assert their leadership and challenge traditional norms," said Anna Mutavati.

The delegation then met with Hon. Seth Mwatela, Speaker of the County Assembly, and members of the County Assembly Women's Caucus. They discussed mainstreaming gender in legislative processes and the recent passage of the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Protection Bill into law. Hon. Mwatela acknowledged the value of working with UN Women and partners, saying "Our collaboration with UN Women and HURIA has been crucial in incorporating public feedback into the SGBV Bill, ensuring it resonates with the needs of our community."

The Delegation at County Assembly of Kwale: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
The Delegation at County Assembly of Kwale: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

Female assembly members shared their journeys and the strides they have made in advocating for gender equality within their respective committees, highlighting the positive impact of their legislative efforts.

The delegation at Kwale County Commissioner Office: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
The delegation at Kwale County Commissioner Office: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

The team then met the Deputy Kwale County Commissioner, Lucy Ndemo. UN Women’s Women, Peace, and Security program, has worked closely with HURIA to localize the Kenya National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 and enhance women's roles in peace processes and strengthens community resilience against violent extremism.. "Our focus has been on creating inclusive platforms where women's voices in peacebuilding are amplified," noted the County Commissioner. Localization of the National Action Plan on UNSCR1325 underscores the importance of integrating women’s perspectives in security and peace efforts at both local and national levels.

Women Peace and Security (WPS) Beneficiaries: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
Women Peace and Security (WPS) Beneficiaries: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

An interactive session with beneficiaries of the programme provided a platform for women to share their personal stories of empowerment and resilience. These narratives vividly illustrated how the Finland-funded initiatives have enabled women to rise as leaders and peacebuilders in their communities.

Binti Jerumani, Women Peace and Security Champion: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui
Binti Jerumani, Women Peace and Security Champion: Photo: UN Women/Sharon Kinyanjui

"Being part of this program has given me the confidence to participate actively in local peace committees. I feel empowered to make a difference." said Binti Jerumani, a beneficiary of the Women Peace and Security programme.

The visit concluded with strategic discussions with gender-based violence and Women Peace and Security stakeholders, focusing on the intersection of terrorism and tourism in Kwale. H.E Tapiola expressed his admiration for the comprehensive approach taken by local and international partners. "It is inspiring to see how these initiatives are not only addressing immediate issues of violence and exclusion but are also contributing to the long-term stability and prosperity of Kwale County," he said.

The profound impact of the collaborative efforts between the Government of Finland and UN Women is advancing gender equality and peace in Kwale County. It is a clear example that strategic partnerships and targeted interventions can create a more inclusive and peaceful society, empowering women to lead and shape their futures.