Solutions for specific forms of VAW
How you can help end FGM:
- Challenge the discriminatory reasons female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced.
- Educate girls about their body, personal boundaries and safety, consent and their right/ability to say no and how to seek help from a trusted person.
- Learn about the risks and realities of FGM and spread the word.
- Push for FGM to be banned.
- Support activists working to end FGM.
How you can help end child marriage:
- Empower girls with information, skills and support networks
- Provide economic support and incentives to girls and their families
- Educate and rally parents and community members
- Enhance girls' access to a high-quality education
- Encourage supportive laws and policies
5 things to empower women:
- Divide housework and domestic responsibilities between all household members, regardless of gender.
- Encourage boys and girls to participate in different activities and challenge stereotypes about activities or roles being for boys or girls only.
- Empower the women in your life, support and encourage their dreams and goals.
- Educate other the men and boys in your life to respect the equal rights of women and girls and to stand up against sexism and violence against women.
Change starts with you.
Take action today to help end violence against women. Find out how ►
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