Best practice CEMALI: Women's Empowerment in the Climate-Care nexus in rural Mali

factsheet wcaro: best practices on womens economic empowerment
UN Women

This publication is part of the WEE WCARO Best Practices series. Funded by the Mali Climate Fund, UN Women and the Government of Mali implemented the ‘‘Climate and Energy Mali” (CEMALI) project. The CEMALI project trained women in the production of improved cookstoves and sustainable fuels, reforestation activities, forestry management, and improved and efficient carbonization techniques. It also established women-led forest management mechanisms. By supporting women entrepreneurship in sustainable forestry and clean energy, the project has contributed to climate change mitigation and adaptation, to a reduction of women’s unpaid care work and time poverty, as well as to improve the health of household members by reducing indoor air pollution. This factsheet outlines the project's approach and results.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa Mali
UN Women office publishing: West and Central Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages