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نيسان/أبريل 2023 | المديرة التنفيذية لهيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة سيما بحوث - تنضم هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة إلى شركائها في التعبير عن بالغ قلقها إزاء استمرار النزاع في السودان.  وكما هو الحال في جميع الأزمات، سيكون لهذا بالتأكيد آثار وخيمة وغير متناسبة على حياة النساء والفتيات السودانيات. نحن نتضامن مع شعب السودان وما زلنا ملتزمين بدعمه.
UN Women joins our partners in expressing our grave concern over the continued conflict in Sudan.  As in all crises, this will surely have dire and disproportionate impacts on the lives of Sudanese women and girls. We stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan and remain committed to supporting them. 
Phemelo Segoe, 29, a marketing manager of a company that provides free online learning support to school learners, participated in CSW67 as one of the youth delegates from South Africa. Participating in this year’s CSW67 deliberations strengthened her resolve to empower and support young women and girls to pursue STEM education and careers.
A baseline survey conducted by UN Women Rwanda on unpaid care work status among women and men within 8 districts of Rwanda, revealed that a rural woman spent seven hours per day doing unpaid care work, while the urban woman spent six hours and nine minutes as opposed to the man who only spent two hours per day.
UN Women and UNFPA regional offices in East and Southern Africa are collaborating toward growing a movement for positive masculinity and meaningful engagement of men and boys in advancing gender equality and women’s rights.
Nairobi, 10 December 2021  – representatives from national governments, regional bodies, international development agencies, and civil society organizations today convened at a high-level forum on the use of gender data and statistics to address violence against women in East and Southern Africa (ESA).
In collaboration with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MHADM), UN Women and other Ministry partners conducted a one-day validation workshop for the gender analysis of the impact of conflict in South Sudan for an upcoming report. The data from the report will benefit the humanitarian sector and communities it supports.
In celebration of International Youth Day, UN Women jointly with African Union Commission- Women, Gender and Youth Directorate (AUC-WGYD), UN Peacekeeping Operations Department (DPO) and the Gender Is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) network rolled out a month-long social media campaign that culminated in a multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on August 12 2021. The campaign aimed to document the work and efforts of youth, in particular young women in creating a lasting peace in Africa.
In her remarks at the closing of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka called for the resolution of problems that women and girls have faced over generations
In her remarks at the Opening session of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka called for bold and strong moves to propel us toward gender equality, end the discrimination against women and girls and empower all of us.
Nairobi, Kenya – 04 August 2020 – A recent study using a first-of-its-kind measure of women’s empowerment, the Kenya Women’s Empowerment Index (WEI), shows that only 29 percent of Kenyan women can participate equally and effectively in political, economic, and cultural life — and that their involvement is largely dependent on household circumstances.
In a country where half of girls are married before age 18, UN Women played a key role in lobbying for a new law that raises the legal age to wed, while raising awareness and working with traditional
In the wake of the horrific abduction of more than 200 school girls, which has ignited global outrage, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka joined a delegation that visited the Federal Government Girls College (FGGC) in the town of Abaji, Nigeria, from 17-18 May. The FGGC Abaji is one of the Federal Government’s all-girls colleges similar to the FGGC Chibok, where more than 200 students were kidnapped on 14 April, in Chibok, Nigeria.
In the words of Martha Ntoipo, a 33-year-old Maasai activist from Tanzania. She works for the Pastoralist Information and Development Organization (PIDO), a community development organization which she founded in 2010, which works in the fields of health, women economic empowerment, gender equality and human rights, environmental conservation and research.
In the words of Beatrice Sisina Shanka, a 26-year-old community activist from the Inkinyie community. She works for Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC), a non-governmental organization that addresses human rights and development concerns of pastoralist (nomadic livestock herding) indigenous peoples of Kenya, with a focus on women and girls.
Kumbukani Mwanyongo is 24 years old, unmarried, and an aspiring pharmacist from Malawi. She is also a member of the Malawi Girl Guides Association and a trained peer facilitator working to educate others about girls' rights. Globally, more than one in three young women aged 20-24 years were first married before they reached age 18.