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A baseline survey conducted by UN Women Rwanda on unpaid care work status among women and men within 8 districts of Rwanda, revealed that a rural woman spent seven hours per day doing unpaid care work, while the urban woman spent six hours and nine minutes as opposed to the man who only spent two hours per day.
UN Women and UNFPA regional offices in East and Southern Africa are collaborating toward growing a movement for positive masculinity and meaningful engagement of men and boys in advancing gender equality and women’s rights.
Nairobi, 10 December 2021  – representatives from national governments, regional bodies, international development agencies, and civil society organizations today convened at a high-level forum on the use of gender data and statistics to address violence against women in East and Southern Africa (ESA).
In collaboration with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MHADM), UN Women and other Ministry partners conducted a one-day validation workshop for the gender analysis of the impact of conflict in South Sudan for an upcoming report. The data from the report will benefit the humanitarian sector and communities it supports.
Nairobi, Kenya – 04 August 2020 – A recent study using a first-of-its-kind measure of women’s empowerment, the Kenya Women’s Empowerment Index (WEI), shows that only 29 percent of Kenyan women can participate equally and effectively in political, economic, and cultural life — and that their involvement is largely dependent on household circumstances.