Call for proposals: Empowerment of Disadvantaged Women and Girls Through Education and Digital Technology

Submission deadline: 19 April 2024

Based on the previous experience of the "Empowering Women in Agricultural Transformation" project, funded by the Korean Trust Fund and implemented by UN Women, education and skills development emerged as a key issue for the development of women and girls, particularly in rural areas. With the BuyFromWomen platform developed under this project, women and girls have demonstrated their appetite and capacity for digital technologies and business opportunities. As part of the implementation of activities under the "Empowerment of Disadvantaged Women and Girls through Education and Digital Technology" project, UN Women is seeking an Implementing Partner (IP) to carry out a number of activities, including the development of training modules/curricula, the development of e-learning program content, the selection of girls and women for vocational training, and the conduct of community awareness and advocacy activities.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Yacouba Doumbia
  • Email: yacouba.doumbia[at]