Senegal Armed Forces receives funding from the Elsie Initiative Fund to assess barriers to the participation of women in United Nations peace operations

New York, May 9th, 2022 - The Elsie Initiative Fund (EIF) today approved funding for Senegal as a new recipient in support of the country’s barrier assessment to the participation of women military in United Nations peace operations. Senegal ranks as the 16th largest troop contributing country (TCC) to United Nations peace operations, deploying 987 military personnel as of February 2022. Among those deployed, 38 (3.8 per cent) are women.
In line with the Senegal Armed Forces’ Sectoral Strategy on gender for 2012 to 2022, this project is a major step forward towards achieving gender equality in the military. One of the main objectives of the sectoral strategy is to strengthen the increased and meaningful participation of female personnel in the armed forces, including in leadership positions. General Cheikh Wade, Joint Chief of Staff said, "the Elsie Initiative Fund provides timely support to reinforce priority activities to mainstream gender in the Senegalese Armed Forces."
The assessment’s findings and recommendations will guide the Senegalese Armed Forces’ efforts to develop tailored interventions to address obstacles to women's meaningful participation in United Nations peace operations and to support the increased recruitment of women in armed forces. These findings will also guide the evaluation of the Senegalese Armed Forces Sectoral Strategy on gender and the development of the updated strategy for 2022 to 2032.
Senegal was one of the first African countries that adopted a National Action Plan (NAP) to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) in 2011. Senegal’s current NAP for 2020 to 2024 defines five priority areas, including crisis prevention and protection of women and girls, especially through improved judicial, police and services; promotion of women’s participation in conflict prevention and peacekeeping mechanisms; and coordination of NAP implementation.
The Centre des Hautes Études de Défense et de Sécurité (CHEDS) will conduct this barrier assessment study with the technical support of the Agence Nationale de Statistique et de Démographie (ANSD), using the Measuring Opportunities for Women in Peace Operations (MOWIP) methodology developed by DCAF — Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance.
The National Police and Gendarmerie of Senegal have previously concluded a similar barrier assessment. The knowledge learned and good practices observed will be used to facilitate the conduct of this project.
About the Elsie Initiative Fund (EIF)
Established by the United Nations and Canada in 2019, the EIF is an innovative, multilateral fund that aims to accelerate progress towards the United Nation’s gender targets in line with Security Council resolutions and the United Nations Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy 2018-2028. Funded by contributions from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom, the EIF supports the sustainable deployment and meaningful participation of uniformed women peacekeepers by providing financial assistance and incentives. For more information on the EIF, please visit and follow @ElsieFund on Twitter.
Media contacts:
Elsie Initiative Fund: Lea Biason [ Click to reveal ]
Senegalese Armed Forces’ Gender Division chief: Lieutenant Colonel Khadessa SY