Deputy Governor in charge for Development officially opens the Kullimaaro centre. Left to right: President of PFPC, Marie Pierre Raky Chaupin – Coordinator of the UN Women Senegal Programme, Deputy Governor in charge for Development, Mayor of Ziguinchor (Photo Credit: Women/ L. Sanka)
After heavy rains, a blue sky was enjoyed by state representatives and citizen, who had arrived at large numbers to support the launch of the new shelter for women and girls survivors of violence. The house, not merely a building, represents a crucial element in the service chain. In a region affected by three decades of conflict the house provides hope for many women in distress, enabling them to regain their dignity.
According to the president of the PFPC, Ndeye Marie Thiam Diedhiou, alone in the year 2014 no less than 100 rape cases faced by minors had been reported. Survivors were rendered to their own with no support service available to consult.

Placing of the UN Women Logo to the wall of the Kullimaaro shelter (Photo Credit: Women/ L. Sanka)
"From today this deficiency belongs to history thanks to the technical and financial support supplied by the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN Women", the president added.
Made available by the Governor of the region, the house was completely renovated and equipped by UN Women for a total cost of 20,652,500 CFA francs.

Deputy Governor in charge for Development reads out messages engraved into the wall. From left to right: Deputy Governor in charge for Development, Mayor of Ziguinchor, Marie Pierre Raky Chaupin – Coordinator of the UN Women Senegal Programme. (Photo Credit: Women/ L. Sanka)
Equipped with 18 beds the hostel aims to provide a holistic care (emergency accommodation, medical care, psychosocial support, counseling and legal support) for women and girls who had been become victims of violence. The provided services will contribute to reduce and reconcile the consequences caused by conflict.
According to Ms Oumou Khairy Niang, First Technical Advisor in the Ministry of Women, Family and Children, the house Kullimaaro will serve as a "foundation for women's empowerment" in the three regions of the south. The project ultimately supports the over-arching goal envisioned by the President of the Republic, as evoked through the policy document "the Emergent Senegal Plan" (PSE).

Guided tour through the One-Stop-Centre. (Photo Credit: Women/ L. Sanka)
Working towards the elimination of gender based violence (GBV) is a key priority set by UN Women. In this context UN Women intends to continue its support to the Government in assisting with the implementation of several other homes for women affected by violence in Senegal. Falling victim to violence significantly impacts the lives of women and girls and undermines their political, economic and social perspectives.
For more photos from the launch, please click the following link: One-Stop-Centre
For more information Mrs. Lydie José Aghate Sanka Senegal Partnership Coodinator