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December the 1st 2023. In the context of the 16 days of activism, The Belgium Embassy and UN Women, in partnership with ARES and the University of Kinshasa, have organised a workshop on the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) for the women researchers of the University of Kinshasa.
Sweden, a valued and long-standing partner of UN Women, has supported projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo for many years. With an unwavering dedication to gender equality and women's empowerment, they have a clear vision for the years to come: to continue providing UN Women flexibility with their funds, so that projects can be implemented in the areas that need it most. UN Women DRC sat down with Henric Råsbrant, Swedish Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2019, to talk about this long-standing partnership and, evidently, the topic of this year's 16 Days of Activism. His message: the 16 days are a time to remember that we must UNITE and invest our time and efforts to continually fight against gender-based violence, and break the silence on this subject.
90 journalists from community radios reinforced their capacities on gender inclusion in the media, as well as the importance of listening clubs, during 5 day workshops that took place in the cities of Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Matadi and Goma, in the DRC, throughout June 2023.
Maxensia Takirambule tested positive to HIV 24 years ago. Since the diagnosis, she faced social stigma, unemployment and disability. Today she is a champion and advocate for HIV awareness and prevention through her organisation Lungujja Community Health Caring (LUCOHECO), which is leading the effort to support women and girls living with or at risk of HIV in Lubaga Division, in Kampala, Uganda.
Carine Kaku is an activist committed to the defense of human rights, particularly those of women and girls, and a partner of UN Women DRC. She is the director of DYNAFEC RDC, the National Dynamics of Women Candidates, a non-profit women's organization created to encourage women's political participation and fight for the promotion and protection of women's rights and the consolidation of peace. Carine joined UN Women DRC to talk about the importance of the 16 Days of Activism, ending SGBV and the role women's political participation plays in it.
Veronica Charles Mfuko experienced domestic violence, which inspired her to become a women’s rights activist focusing on ending violence against women in Tanzania.
District Commissioner Rashid Mohamed Mwaimu of the Kyerwa District of Kagera Region in Northern Tanzania has called on all residents to ensure that the rights of women and vulnerable groups in his district are respected.
UWONET is known in the community for being a place where help is available for victims and survivors of violence with support from community volunteers.
At a side event during the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) convened women leaders across the continent to discuss the importance of women’s leadership in decision-making and key achievements of the AWLN National Chapters. The side event, titled “National Chapters: Driving Women’s Leadership in Africa”, was co-hosted by UN Women, the African Union Commission, the Democratic Republic of the Congo as the 2021 Chair of the African Union, and the Government of Germany.
Solutions to ending gender-based violence and ensure girls and young women realize their dream lie with all of us
The refugees host community of Zamay in the Far North Region of Cameroon now has a transformed market which has been described as “modern and gender sensitive”. The renovated and enlarged market now has a lighting system, running water, secured warehouse, well partitioned with boxes. It also has a gender sensitive toilets which have been well separated with available running water and a bin for women to use during menstruation.
UN Women under the Young Women and Leadership Project (YWLP) implemented in partnership with FOWODE. From the training, she got to understand issues of gender equality and the equal roles men and women have to play towards achieving peace and development.