Gender statistics: Making every girl and woman count

Photo: UN Women Tanzania
Tanzania is one of the pathfinder countries to implement the global gender statistics project: Making Every Woman and Girl Count. The project intends to facilitate the increased availability and use of accurate information on gender and women’s rights to strengthen the evidence-base for policy and decision-making. As per the results of the national assessment of the national statistical system to produce quality gender statistics, the key challenges found in Tanzania included: I) Limited policy and financial environment; II) Lack of data gap mapping and minimum set of national gender indicators; III) Dearth of disaggregated data as per the required characteristics (sex, residence, region, age group, wealth index, ethnicity etc.); IV) Lack of contextual thematic analysis, and capacity building need for the data producers; and V) Inaccessibility of the data by the users, and less interactions between user and producers.
To address the mentioned gaps, at UN Women is supporting the government to implement a comprehensive programme focusing on mainstreaming gender statistics in the national and sectoral statistics strategies. Our work also supports the adoption of a minimum set of national gender priority indicators, and the production of sex-disaggregated Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators. This can contribute to ensuring higher coordination between users and producers for need-based data production.
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