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- Communications and media (-) (29)
- Children’s rights (-) (6)
- Gender equality indicators (-) (5)
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment (534)
- Ending violence against women and girls (443)
- Economic empowerment (332)
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (168)
- Peace and security (166)
- Leadership and political participation (165)
- Generation Equality (119)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (93)
- Humanitarian action (87)
- Youth (86)
- Gender, culture and society (78)
- COVID-19 (64)
- Innovation and technology (59)
- Partnerships (59)
- Gender equality and inequality (58)
- Climate change (46)
- Gender statistics (44)
- Peacebuilding (43)
- Rural women (43)
- Harmful practices (40)
- Education (39)
- Girls (39)
- Health (39)
- HIV and AIDS (39)
- Human rights (37)
- Local development (35)
- Women farmers (35)
- Political empowerment (34)
- Domestic violence/interpersonal violence (31)
- Governance and national planning (30)
- Child marriage (27)
- Rape/sexual assault (27)
- Women’s rights (27)
- Information and communications technology (ICT) (26)
- Executive Director (24)
- Beijing Platform for Action (23)
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- Sexual harassment (23)
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights (22)
- Gender stereotypes (20)
- Anti-violence interventions (19)
- Political violence (19)
- Training (18)
- Civil society participation (17)
- Science and technology for development (17)
- Conflict, war (16)
- Women with disabilities (16)
- Gender mainstreaming (15)
- Peacekeeping (15)
- Markets (14)
- Sexual violence in conflict (14)
- Access to justice and legal protection (13)
- Civil society (13)
- HeForShe (13)
- Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces (13)
- UNiTE campaign (13)
- Women’s movements (13)
- Care and support services (12)
- Financial resources (11)
- Gender discrimination (11)
- UN Security Council resolution 1325 (11)
- Crisis response and recovery (10)
- Electoral systems and processes (10)
- Gender data production and collection (10)
- Governance (10)
- Men and boys (masculinity) (10)
- Post-conflict recovery (10)
- Productive resources (10)
- Rural development (10)
- Financing for gender equality (9)
- Food security (9)
- Gender data use and accessibility (9)
- Gender wage gap (9)
- Media leadership (9)
- Trafficking/sexual exploitation (9)
- Adolescents (8)
- Constitutions and legal reform (8)
- Gender data gaps (8)
- Gender power relations (8)
- Green economy (8)
- Social protection (8)
- Environmental protection (7)
- Gender-responsive budgeting (7)
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- Unpaid work (7)
- UN system coordination (7)
- Disaster risk reduction (6)
- Mediation and conflict resolution (6)
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- UN Security Council resolutions (6)
- UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (6)
- Violent extremism and terrorism (6)
- Campaigns (5)
- Commission on the Status of Women (5)
- Coordination, knowledge management (5)
- Intergovernmental processes (5)
- Macroeconomic policies (5)
- Migration (5)
- Prevention (5)
- Trust funds (5)
- Access to justice post-conflict (4)
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- Citizen engagement (4)
- Decision-making (4)
- Employment (4)
- Energy (4)
- Government contributors (4)
- Harmful health practices (4)
- Land and property (4)
- Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (4)
- Monitoring and evaluation (4)
- National statistical systems (4)
- Sex-disaggregated data (4)
- Businesses and foundations (3)
- Feminicide/femicide (3)
- Financial and economic crisis (3)
- Gender-responsive procurement (3)
- Human rights–based approach (3)
- Migrant workers (3)
- National planning (3)
- New media (3)
- Religion (3)
- Reparations (3)
- Rights in marriage (3)
- Service delivery (3)
- Shelters (3)
- Deputy Executive Director, Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships (2)
- Fundamental freedoms (2)
- Fund for Gender Equality (2)
- Goodwill ambassadors (2)
- Justice reform (2)
- Literacy (2)
- Living conditions (2)
- Maternal health (2)
- Parliamentary development (2)
- Planning and monitoring (2)
- Temporary special measures, affirmative action (2)
- Traditional media (2)
- UN Women administration (2)
- Access to basic services (1)
- Accountability (1)
- Anti-corruption (1)
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (1)
- Deputy Executive Director, Policy and Programme (1)
- Ending impunity (1)
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBT) rights (1)
- Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, UN Women Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support, United Nations System Coordination and Programme Results (1)
- Public administration (1)
- Schooling (1)
- Sexuality (1)
- Sustainable finance (1)
- Treatment (1)
- Urban development (1)
- Waste management (1)
- Water (1)
- Women in the UN system (1)
1 - 20 of 40 Results
UN Women Ethiopia in partnership with the Ethiopian Media Women Association(EMWA) organized a three-day capacity building training workshop on gender - responsive reporting on migration targeting women journalists and decision makers working in media institutions from migration prone regions of Ethiopia.
From 12-14 June 2024, UN Women Rwanda and the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) collaborated to host a three-day training session in Musanze district, aimed at empowering media practitioners to take a proactive role in combating gender-based violence (GBV). The training, which attracted approximately 50 participants including chief editors, journalists, and social media influencers focused significantly on online GBV due to its rising prevalence and often inadequate and inappropriate media coverage.
UN Women Ethiopia, through the project “Enhancing the Role of Media in Promoting Gender Equality and Women in Leadership” under its Women in Leadership and Governance programme (WiLG) has been working with the Ethiopian Media Authority and Media Associations and partners to create a gender aware media workforce and gender sensitive media in Ethiopia. During the project implementation, 464 editors, journalists, advertisement professionals, Ethiopia Media Authority staff were reached through capacity building based on tailored training modules. This project was made possible by generous support from the governments of Denmark and Sweden.
Ms. Dureti Tadesse is Director of the Women, Children and Social Affairs Directorate in the Ethiopian Media Authority, a government entity tasked with regulating the media and advertising sector with the mission of promoting a pluralistic and responsible media and advertising sector through enabling regulation, capacity building and Partnership. UN Women Ethiopia has been working with the authority in a bid to promote participation of women in leadership and decision-making positions in public life through positive portrayal of women by the media.
UN Women Ethiopia Country Office in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Ethiopia, the National Partnership Coalition under the Ministry of Justice and the Global Migration Media Academy co-organized the two-day media training on gender-responsive reporting on migration for over twenty participants including journalists, editors, and media representatives. The training, held in Addis Ababa from 7 - 8 December 2023, aimed to strengthen the participants’ skills and knowledge on gender-responsive reporting.
90 journalists from community radios reinforced their capacities on gender inclusion in the media, as well as the importance of listening clubs, during 5 day workshops that took place in the cities of Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Matadi and Goma, in the DRC, throughout June 2023.
نيسان/أبريل 2023 | المديرة التنفيذية لهيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة سيما بحوث - تنضم هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة إلى شركائها في التعبير عن بالغ قلقها إزاء استمرار النزاع في السودان. وكما هو الحال في جميع الأزمات، سيكون لهذا بالتأكيد آثار وخيمة وغير متناسبة على حياة النساء والفتيات السودانيات. نحن نتضامن مع شعب السودان وما زلنا ملتزمين بدعمه.
UN Women joins our partners in expressing our grave concern over the continued conflict in Sudan. As in all crises, this will surely have dire and disproportionate impacts on the lives of Sudanese women and girls. We stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan and remain committed to supporting them.
UN Women East and Southern Africa Regional Office hosted the second edition of its Equality Café on Monday 6th March in Nairobi, Kenya to commemorate International Women’s Day 2023. Equality Café is a forum facilitated by UN Women for collaboration among journalists and influencers, and it serves to train, inform, discuss, and foster media partnerships that promote gender equality. The International Women’s Day edition of Equality Café brought together 25 journalists and influencers for an open dialogue on acting towards bridging the gap in innovation and technology to achieve gender equality, in line with this year’s theme DigitAll- Innovation and Technology for gender equality.
A baseline survey conducted by UN Women Rwanda on unpaid care work status among women and men within 8 districts of Rwanda, revealed that a rural woman spent seven hours per day doing unpaid care work, while the urban woman spent six hours and nine minutes as opposed to the man who only spent two hours per day.
Through an interactive dialogue, the breakfast meeting was an opportunity to reflect on the role of the media, CSOs and other influencers in shaping and transforming negative social norms and stereotypes which exacerbate gender inequality, tolerate gender-based violence and impede effective enjoyment by women of their human rights agreed to in national policies and laws.
UN Women and UNFPA regional offices in East and Southern Africa are collaborating toward growing a movement for positive masculinity and meaningful engagement of men and boys in advancing gender equality and women’s rights.
Nairobi, 10 December 2021 – representatives from national governments, regional bodies, international development agencies, and civil society organizations today convened at a high-level forum on the use of gender data and statistics to address violence against women in East and Southern Africa (ESA).
Abuja, Nigeria – 26th November 2021. UN Women through the Joint EU-UN Spotlight Initiative in collaboration with leading women from the creative arts industry launched the Nigerian Chapter of the Forum for Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI).
Issa Yussuf is a journalist and human rights activist with over 20 years of experience working in the media. His passion for journalism led him to develop a keen interest in gender equality issues, having witnessed many of the challenges that women and girls on the island are faced with including the persistent discriminatory norms and attitudes that play a significant role in impeding women’s participation in decision making.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MHADM), UN Women and other Ministry partners conducted a one-day validation workshop for the gender analysis of the impact of conflict in South Sudan for an upcoming report. The data from the report will benefit the humanitarian sector and communities it supports.
In celebration of International Youth Day, UN Women jointly with African Union Commission- Women, Gender and Youth Directorate (AUC-WGYD), UN Peacekeeping Operations Department (DPO) and the Gender Is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) network rolled out a month-long social media campaign that culminated in a multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on August 12 2021. The campaign aimed to document the work and efforts of youth, in particular young women in creating a lasting peace in Africa.
The Deputy Head of Mission at the French Embassy in Tanzania, Mr. Alexandre Peaudeau shared his views on fostering media partnerships for gender equality after partnering with UN Women to launch of the Gender Journalism Awards for East and Southern Africa Region in May 2021.
Through her work at the Tanzania Media Women’s Association in Zanzibar, Mzuri Issa is at the forefront of pushing for legal reforms and changing policies and attitudes that impede women’s access to leadership and decision-making. Her tough childhood experiences motivate her to advocate for the rights of women and girls, using the media.
Avec l’appui d’ONU Femmes Burundi, l’Association Burundaise des Radio Diffuseurs, en consortium avec l’Association des Femmes Médecins du Burundi et l’Amicale des Musiciens du Burundi, a réuni journalistes, musiciens et médecins pour une session de formation organisée en vue de les habiliter à élaborer et valider des messages sur la communication pour le changement de comportement en faveur de la masculinité positive, soutenant l’égalité de genre.
1 - 20 of 40 Results